Batman: Arkham Origins

Be careful: Trojans masquerading as popular executables

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This is a heads up announcement to please, for the love of all that is good, always keep your wits about you when downloading from here or anywhere on the internet.

There is currently an individual who is placing trojans within well known pieces of Skyrim software, such as the Skyrim Character Editor and even Skyrim Mod Organizer, and then uploading them as new files here on Skyrim Nexus (note, the original files here and here are NOT compromised, this user is uploading new files to the site masquerading as these files). This trojan has code within it that will retrieve any passwords you have stored in your browser and send them to the script kiddy's email address. The script kiddy is then using the details he has stolen from users "unlucky" enough to be exploited in this way, logging in to their accounts here on the Nexus and then uploading another trojan via the same method.

If you believe you may have fallen for this exploit then ALL the passwords you have stored in your browser have been compromised. You should change your passwords immediately for any and all sites you use, and change your passwords on any sites where you have used the same password, even if you don't have that site's login stored.

If you stick to common sense practises while browsing the internet then this will not be a problem for you at all. Things you should always be suspicious of or do:

  • Files with comments disabled that have only been uploaded in the past day
  • Elaborate and complex files uploaded by new users or users who have previously not uploaded a single file or made a single comment on the sites
  • Software that has absolutely no business using your internet connection trying to make a connection to the internet
  • Executable files, or files containing .DLL libraries unless you are absolutely sure it can be trusted.
  • Always, always run a virus scan on any files you download from this or any site you download from
  • If in doubt, don't download or open the file and wait to see what other more experienced users are reporting

I sympathise with the people who have been caught by this, but you got caught by this because you aren't using your common sense. Please, for your sake, keep your wits about you and don't let your guard down when downloading files on the internet.

If you don't have a firewall, or if your firewall does not warn you when new, unrecognised and untrusted software is trying to connect to the internet please follow these steps:

  • Find your router
  • Rip your router away from any connected cables
  • Open the nearest window
  • Throw your router out of it
  • Close the window

Honestly, get a firewall, install it, and understand how it works. Without one it's very possible your system is a drone in a botnet and likely a part of the perpetual problem of the internet that is DDoS'ing, something that we're no stranger to here.


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  1. cptmold
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Router disposed, thanks for the procedure!
  2. giannis196
    • member
    • 0 kudos

    I hate people like him gamers should be a hackers target buisnesses should be we haven't did anything wrong or have a lot of money

    they think because we buy games we are rich...well, we don't wear gold watches and we don't drive with a sport car.
    They are hacking because they want to have fun.
    I want to see their face what fun they have made when they will pay the fine for braking in to other's peoples computer's or stealing informations!
    1. kerstone
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I'm definitely not rich..... I have to pinch every penny to buy new games.....go hack your friends CPU and pull the same crap on them and see how long your still friends.
  3. Base15
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    The last email hack was very damaged for me, extremly and high coasts rolling on me. The hacker attacks are very hard and bad and dangerous. It nervs fun is loosing and the damage is yours!
    Our German police has find out this "kiddy" but thx his age nothing happens to him. NICE!
    This is the only reason for skyrim-offline is possible with fun.....
    Internet is damaged thx hacker and cheater and the other fun killing freaks!
    I think many sites have give up to defeat hacker or something else, witch wonder to many of this
  4. sturmgewehr44
    • BANNED
    • 13 kudos
    This is quite scary. I assume an occurrence like this is quite rare? I have never seen anything like this happen on the Nexus before. Who is this individual and what can be done about him/her?
  5. DarkNightTemplar
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    if someone needs a simple but efficient firewall, I would recommend you the "Windows 7 Firewall Control". By default, all applications are restricted for using the internet(including all systems processes), and after first-opening the firewall, you may to configure a rules for every app.
  6. andrea8425
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    well, there's a clear distinction: a hacker is, generally, a guy with good computing practice, which sneaks into the computers ( usually Government), for the only purpose of bragging rights with his friends to be entered ( for example) and pried the NASA computers and not stealing or hurting anything. Those from which we must look, are instead the "cracker", which behave more or less like hackers, but for purposes of damage (often severe) the operative system, spread viruses even criminal purposes.
  7. NOSOUL1999
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I hate people like him gamers should be a hackers target buisnesses should be we haven't did anything wrong or have alot of money
  8. MODinsane
    • premium
    • 5 kudos
    Why? simple, they are Cretans. Like I posted, I meet one and their equipment gets a 5 lb sledge hammer.
  9. illage2
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Hate it when people do stuff like this.  Why can't they just let people enjoy modding their games without any fear of getting a virus?
  10. kimbroughhg
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Like he said how could that make it any more clear, perhaps you should just follow the steps at the bottom of the post if you cant comprehend internet and data safety.