About this mod
My second attempt at a ReShade preset hoping to capture the gritty feeling of the 2022 film and the Penguin TV series
I'd like to note, this is a fairly performance heavy ReShade, if you already struggle with FPS in this game I do not recommend downloading this
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
This shader was designed to be used with Partial post processing removal, if you want the same visuals as are in my screenshots you will need to have it installed.
I like to use a lot of different toggles on ReShade so that I can quickly swap between what I think looks good for Photomode and what I think is better optimized for gameplay, both in terms of running the smoothest and having the least number of visual bugs.
A List of the toggles and their functions - for those who are unfamiliar with ReShade
- Ctrl + Alt + 1 : This toggles a variety of different shaders that vastly improve the quality of lighting and shadows in the game. The performance cost for these Shaders is pretty intense and it causes issues with being able to see shadows through smoke, so I recommend using it mostly just for photomode or other forms of showcasing.
- Ctrl + Alt + 2 : This toggles a shader that try to accurately determine how reflections should look against other objects. This is also relatively performance heavy and causes similar visual bugs as the 1st toggle, so I would recommend primarily using it for photomode or other forms of showcasing.
- Ctrl + Alt + 3 : This toggles screen border, This has little to no performance effect but will cut off the HUD during regular gameplay, thus I recommend using it primarily for photomode or showcasing
- Ctrl + Alt + 4 : This toggles the Cinematic Depth of Field effect, a depth of field effect that follows your cursor in order to determine where the camera should focus, recommended for photomode
- Ctrl + Alt + 5 : This toggles the Automatic Depth of Field effect, a depth of field effect that automatically determines where the camera should focus, also recommended for photomode