Baldur's Gate 3

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  1. GraphicFade
    • premium
    • 26 kudos
    All previous patch notes:

    Update 1.3

    • Created a custom spell for Windsinger Steps so it no longer applies changes from mods that also effect Fly
    • Renamed Storm's Grasp status effect
    • Changed Constitution saving throw on Shattered Sunlight from 20 to 16 (oops)
    • Fixed UUID for Act 2 Treasure Table, was overriding Act 1 Treasure Table or visa versa
    • Changed all item values to fit Larians standards ( This way when Larian releases an update with price changes the prices of these items will also change)
    • Fixed Treasure Table file, removed the Unique Flag (When flagged "unique" the items were only available once, generally in the Tutorial Chest)
    • Merged Shattered Light and Shattered Sunlight effects. They were separate because I wanted both VFX to appear,  this was causing both effects to be "rolled" so it would sometimes not apply both effects if one effect had a failed saving throws. Should have custom VFX later. No longer shows a sunlight VFX similar to Daylight, now only shows Fire VFX.
    Update 1.4

    • Changed Constitution saving throw on Shattered Sunlight from 16 to 14
    • Changed Shattered Sun Vest to Legendary with price change also
    • Added ability score cap to Amulet of Understanding and The Amethyst Spur, Capping them at 20
    • Reduced The Amethyst Spur Dexterity from +2 to +1 due to it having Momentum
    Update 1.41

    • Minor bug fix for Shattered Sun Vest, You were able to unequip and then re-equip the item to get infinite Ki points
    Update 1.50

    • Added 2 new items - Sunspark Shortbow and Mantle of the Mountain
    • Now 2 different versions for less confusion, REL or TT(Treasure Table) - No longer requiring both REL and TT to function, choose ONE version
    • Item values fixed - Some item values were less or more than what was intended
    • Fixed typo on Amethyst Spur ability
    Update 1.55

    • Adjusted code so all items will now properly display in REL Generator
  2. ArcaneInterrobang
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    If I am currently in Act 2 with older, separated "MonkEquipmentAct2" and "MonkAct2TreasureTable" mods installed, will it cause issues if I replace both with the single new TT mod? Same for Act 1 as well. 
    1. GraphicFade
      • premium
      • 26 kudos
      If you already have equipment from the mod I would probably wait until you have finished the playthrough to install the newer versions.
    2. ArcaneInterrobang
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      There shouldn’t be an issue with adding the Act 3 mod though, right? I don’t have any of that equipment (and didn’t have any Act 3 gear mods at all installed)
    3. GraphicFade
      • premium
      • 26 kudos
      There shouldn't be any issues with Act 3 if you didn't have the equipment.
  3. laidback99
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    Regarding Shattered Sun Vest; don't Monks already add their Wisdom modifier to their AC while unarmored?
    1. GraphicFade
      • premium
      • 26 kudos
      Yes, In short it only adds +1 AC to Unarmoured Defense. The description for Improved Unarmoured Defense states at the end, you also receive +1 AC, it overrides the monks existing Unarmoured Defence when equipped so they don't stack.
  4. ViolettaMoon
    • premium
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    Hi there! I've been playing with this mod active with the REL random mod but have yet to encounter one of your items, which is a bummer since they look so fun. I was wondering if you have a page with the UUID's in case they never crop up in my playthrough. If not, no biggie I'll just cross my fingers. Thanks! 
    1. GraphicFade
      • premium
      • 26 kudos
      When using REL everything is randomized so aren't guaranteed to get an item from U&U with your playthrough, I'm currently out on vacation and won't be back for 3 more days. I'll add the UUID's then.
    2. GraphicFade
      • premium
      • 26 kudos
      The UUID's are on the description page now.
  5. justamomant2
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Hello ! 

    I wanted to ask for you to send me one of the archived files -- the one called treasure table because even though is not needed is blocking my save. Please help :( 
    1. GraphicFade
      • premium
      • 26 kudos
      You can load the save without it
    2. justamomant2
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I actually CAN'T it says the mod is missing but is not actually! Please just help me :( it's my durge playthrough with 150h gameplay
    3. GraphicFade
      • premium
      • 26 kudos
      Ok, its under the old files
    4. justamomant2
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you so much! For making the mod and the help <3 
  6. GeorgeofTheJunglexx
    • BANNED
    • 1 kudos
    no screenshots? cringe.
    1. GraphicFade
      • premium
      • 26 kudos
      A screenshot of the gear? I added it near the bottom of description page.
    2. GeorgeofTheJunglexx
      • BANNED
      • 1 kudos
      would've never thought to look there mate!
    3. PNGemperor
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      lol tell me you didnt read the description, without telling me
  7. 1098398649
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    hey there, i got to act 2 and have been really enjoying your mod! read throug the earlier balance discussion and gotta say really agree with the 14DC shattering sun decision, as it is really strong when paired with callous glow ring, procs like 2 times when applied and 2 more when its their own turn, for a whopping 4d4 +8 damage on top of probably what flurry of blow is already doing! i cant imagine 16 or even 20 dc on such a powerful effect... i feel like right now it is at a good place balance wise, dosent proc that often. 

    tho on the side note, i realized that there is an exploit with the sun vest, the good old "equip unequip". you can potentially get infinite Ki points much the same way as infinite spell slot in ealier patches with certain vanilla item, just equip it repeately... is that something you would consider problematic? 

    also i know that cowl of many faces is mostly meant for flavor(and dont get me wrong i really love that abt your mods), but i would argue that the ability should maybe be set at will, instead of at each short rest, primarily due to Fane's mask already doing the same yet without restriction...
    1. GraphicFade
      • premium
      • 26 kudos
      If I'm being completely honest the synergy with Callous Glow Ring went right over my head, I was just looking for a good location to place it ☠️
      As for the equip/unequip yes it can be problematic but if people want to break the game they will, I could possibly set a condition on killing blow or when casting Patient Defense gain +1 ki per long rest?
      The Cowl of Many Faces is more for Way of Shadow subclass monks due to them not getting this spell and for some 'flavor' (you also get Advantage on Deception checks which Fane's Mask doesn't give you). Fane's mask is only included in Deluxe Edition, I know there are mods that make these items available also but not everyone will have this available - its also a Legendary, it shouldn't have restrictions its suppose to feel powerful. 
    2. 1098398649
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      • 6 kudos
      i think the way Larian fixed their equip exploit is to make the extra spell slot into a condition tied to the item itself, so it doesnt get refresh on each equip once it has been used? not sure how hard it is to implement. but if you are thinking of making it tied to killing blow or step of wind or whatever, id argue it makes most sense to make it refresh on short rest, as Ki point already do refresh on shor rest(unlike spell slot thats on long rest)
    3. GraphicFade
      • premium
      • 26 kudos
      I think I found the items your referring to, Shield of Devotion and Shield of the Undevout. Its more in depth that I realized lol so it will take some time to look into, hopefully will have it done by today no later than tomorrow.
    4. GraphicFade
      • premium
      • 26 kudos
      I was able to get it fixed, il upload it later
  8. ArcaneInterrobang
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    A lot of these items are really cool, but they also seem really overtuned compared to the Act 1 items mod you have. I can't think of other items that give ability score boosts with no cap in Act 2 (especially a ring, which tend to be lower power level due to less competition for the slot). The Shattered Sun vest is also very powerful, though since it competes with the Graceful Cloth it's hard to say it's broken. What's the chance of the bonus damage on it? +3-4 AC and +2d4 damage on each attack is quite powerful. 

    Would you consider adding a cap to the +2 ability score items? 
    1. GraphicFade
      • premium
      • 26 kudos
      I will probably keep Shattered Sun Vest how it is, I could mark it as Legendary. The Improved Unarmored Defense is the same ability that Monks get just +1 AC, the lowest die roll is 1d4 but I could always make the saving throw easier for the enemy to 'save' Currently the saving throw the enemy needs is 16 which is on the higher end, I think 13 or 14 would be more reasonable? I was also going to attempt to have the Ring and Amulet ability score cap, for example it would give you +1/2 dex but wouldn't exceed X amount of ability score but the only way that I found was similar to 'Warped Headband of Intellect' and 'Amulet of Greater Health' which only sets the wearers ability score to X amount and doesn't effect them if their ability score is higher. Il look into it more today, thanks for the feedback
    2. ArcaneInterrobang
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      • 0 kudos
      Thanks for the reply, and for listening to the feedback. For the Shattered Sun Vest, does its Improved Unarmored Defense not stack with the Monk’s existing Unarmored Defense? I assumed it would, resulting in AC = 10+Dex+Wis+Wis+1, which is a little much. If that’s not the case, then I agree it’s good but reasonable! And yeah, I also think lowering the DC a little makes sense.

      For the ring and amulet, can’t you base the effect off of items like Birthright, The Graceful Cloth, or The Mighty Cloth? They all give +2 with a cap (I’d say 20 here, since the only item(s) that break that are in Act 3 afaik).
    3. GraphicFade
      • premium
      • 26 kudos
      When I tested Shattered Sun Vest it only adds +1 AC when equipping so the effects don't stack. I just got on my PC and will look into those effects listed and hopefully be able to apply them successfully. After looking, it is very easy to actually apply and I will do this for the next update. Thank you for pointing the way to those items
    4. GraphicFade
      • premium
      • 26 kudos
      Updated in 1.4
    5. ArcaneInterrobang
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      That was insanely fast, wow! Thank you.
    6. ArcaneInterrobang
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      I’m excited to try these out in a current game with a monk. I noticed you also changed the ring to just give +1 Dex which seems very fair for a ring! I wonder if the amulet could also either give +1, or cap at 18 (maybe I’m just overly cautious with ability score boosts, since this item is really good for, say, a cleric).
      very minor typo note - the ring says “The weared gains”
    7. GraphicFade
      • premium
      • 26 kudos
      Ah I see, I will change the type later. I think the amulet is fine right now, considering Birthright is capped at 22 and Amulet of Greater Health caps at 23 and also gives advantage (Both Act 3 items), Act 1 equipment caps between 17-20 depending on rarity. The spell that is on the amulet is sorta filler because it just allows the wearer to cast speak with animal or speak with dead once per short rest doesn't really have any other benefit. Trying to commission someone for custom VFX, hopefully when that's done Il fix the typo unless something else comes up.
    8. ArcaneInterrobang
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Fair enough! My friends and I will give this a whirl in our current game and share how these play.
  9. falloutfan001
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    If you end up making the Air, Earth, Wind, and Fire themed monk armors I think Fire as the mainly  offense focused armor, Earth as mainly  defense focused, Air as the mobility focused armor and Water as maybe control or healing would be amazing. You could even give each of them a cast of one third or fourth level spell once per long rest. Maybe greater invisibility or  haste for air.
    1. GraphicFade
      • premium
      • 26 kudos
      I probably won't make armor specific to a subclass, more of monks in general giving a wider range of options. Possibly later when I have more time I can add on to the mods or make a separate mod specifically towards subclasses.
    2. falloutfan001
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Awesome. Thank you for even considering the idea.
  10. iota09
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    that blood spear looks like EXACTLY what i was looking for on a character of mine who i'm using as a monk to mimic the fact they're supposed to be a werewolf fighting mostly -but not exclusively- melee, and adding the vampire mods also introduced some passive regens that were kind of excessive, this though? works perfectly 👀
  11. falloutfan001
    • premium
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    For a Earth themed armor maybe something like +2 Constitution, Advantage of Strength saving throws, +2 AC, Resistance to psychic damage and Lightning damage ( because your mind is a stone wall and the mountain does not fear the lightning), and Prone immunity (because you are solid like the earth). This would be a very solid defensive option. I think this would be a pretty good act 3 armor.