About this mod
Adds more Eldritch Invocations for Warlock, some like Eldritch Spear were already in the game and just re-added, others are newly added from Tasha's and Xanathar's. Someare RAW 5e, others have been tweaked.
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Now with integrated Polish Translation (thanks to Yerbaster)
This mod adds more Eldritch Invocation choices for the Warlock, some of these are 5e RAW, others have been tweaked to fit the game system changes. The added invocations include:
-Eldritch Spear(1st):
Increases the range of Eldritch Blast by 1.5x
-Ascendant Step(5th):
Once per long rest you can cast Fly without using a Warlock spell slot
-Mire the Mind(Base Game Invocation)(5th):
Updated base game invocation to correctly use Warlock spell slots when multi-classing
-Sign of Ill Omen(Base Game Invocation)(5th):
Updated base game invocation to correctly use Warlock spell slots when multi-classing
-Chains of Carceri(12th):
Once per short rest you can cast Hold Monster without using a spell slot
-Lifedrinker(Base Game Invocation)(12th):
Updated base game invocation to allow for use with ranged weapons too (description needs updating)
-Eldritch Mind(1st):
Advantage on Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration on a spell
-Investment of the Chain Master(1st):
Your Pact of the Chain familiar gains temporary hit points equal to your warlock level, its attack save DC if it has one becomes your spell save DC, it gains a fly speed of 60 feet, and you can use a reaction when it takes damage to give it resistance to that damage
-Undying Servitude(5th):
You can cast Animate Dead using a Warlock spell slot
-Gift of the Protectors(7th):
Once per long rest if you would be reduced to 0hp you are instead reduced to 1hp
-Grasp of Hadar(1st):
Eldritch Blast can pull the target 15ft feet towards you
-Lance of Lethargy(1st):
Eldritch Blast reduces the targets movement speed by 10ft
-Eldritch Smite(1st):
Can use Warlock spell slots to deal extra damage using pact weapons (Includes an action/bonus action and two interrupts for critical/non-critical hits. These can be used together but you can't/shouldn't get double smite triggers)
-Gift of the Ever Living Ones(1st):
When your Pact of the Chain familiar is within 60 feet of you, healing to you is maximized
-Improved Pact Weapon(1st):
Pact weapons get a scaling weapon enchantment bonus (1-6=+1, 7-11=+2, 12=+3) and you can now summon ranged pact weapons. *See notes on Pact of the Blade below
-Cloak of Flies(5th):
Once per short rest you can use a bonus action to summon an aura of flies, damaging enemies that start their turn in it, as well as granting you advantage on Intimidation and disadvantage on all other Charisma checks. Lasts until dismissed or Incapacitated
-Tomb of Levistus(5th):
Once per short rest you can use a reaction in response to damage to gain temp hp and become incapacitated until the end of your next turn
-Maddening Hex(5th):
As a bonus action you can make a Hex'd or Cursed target explode dealing damage (the range and aura on this have been increased slighlty as the enemies in this game are often further apart than D&D 5e and its grid combat)
-Relentless Hex(7th):
As a bonus action you can teleport directly in front of a Hex'd or Cursed (the range on this have been increased slighlty as the enemies in this game are often further apart than D&D 5e and its grid combat)
-Ghostly Gaze(7th):
Once per short rest you can use an action to concentrate and gain Darkvision and See Invisible for 10mins
-Tricksters Escape(7th):
Can cast Freedom of Movement once per short rest without expending a spell slot
-Shroud of Shadow(12th):
Can cast Invisibility once per short rest without expending a spell slot
Pact of the Blade Updates
While adding Improved Pact Weapon I also updated the base Pact of the Blade feature so that as standard it can summon more types of melee weapon. Additionally the bind weapon feature can already bind a ranged weapon without Improved Pact Weapon because of the way the binding feature and active weapons work (this may or may not be fixed in the future). I also aim to add the abillity to natively throw the pact weapon too eventually.
Known Issues and Inconveniences
- No custom icons, or extended base pact weapon option textures.
- Eldritch Spear doesn't currently increase the tooltip for Eldritch Blast.
- Grasp of Hadar and Repelling Blast can currently both be toggled at the same time. It seems that whichever is chosen in the Eldritch Invocation selection screen last is the dominate effect. This can be remedied by ensuring that only one is toggled at a time.
- Binding a pact weapon doesn't remove a summoned weapon but does stop it being bound to you and so you can drop it, presumably sell it, etc. It will however still despawn if you summon another pact weapon.
- You must re-summon a summon to see the effects of some newly unlocked abilities for Pact of the Chain.
What's Next?
First I will be adding more invocations. After all else is added I might move on to adding custom icons.
The following invocations from Xanathar's are planned to be added (where possible), others may follow:
- Custom icons
- Bug fixes
- Compatibility patches
How to Install?
Select the version of the mod you prefer:
- Normal = Leveled progression
- Fully Unlocked = All invocations available from level 2
- Extract the .pak into AppData\Local\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\Mods
- Activate the mod in your Baldur's Gate 3 Mod Manager
- Save the Load Order
- Extract into AppData\Local\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\Mods
- Ensure the .pak file is named "InvocationsExpanded"
- Go to AppData\Local\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\PlayerProfiles\Public
- Edit modsettings.lsx and add the block of text found in the modInfo.txt file in the mod folders root
- Set modsettings.lsx to "Read Only"
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I am new to modding Baldurs Gate 3 and have yet to complete the game so some things haven't been tested as thoroughly as I'd like. If you have any issues please provide as much detail as possible to help me fix them.