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About this mod

This is a program for getting your equipment or hair mod into BG3.

Permissions and credits
This is a program for getting your equipment or hair mod into BG3. 
If you have 3D models from Blender, models from other games you want to import, or you want to mix and match in game meshes, this is the tool! 
I have included a video as well as a PDF. Please let me know if I have anything wrong! I am still learning.

By default, generated equipment items are put in the tutorial chest. This can be changed by editing these files:

  • Allows you to save presets. This way, if you need to go back and redo or change something, you can load up your preset. 
  • Automatically converts images of type .png, .jpg, .tiff, .bmp, and .tga to the .dds format required for BG3. 
  • Automatically combines icon images into one .dds so the icons will display correctly in the game.
  • Automatically fills out .GR2 information like bounds and mesh data.
  • Can handle tintable (dyeable) and non-tintable equipment.
  • Can apply materials to individual objects within the .GR2 mesh file.
  • Can input material and mesh UUIDs from the game.
  • Has weapons, shields, underwear, camp clothing, instruments, and stats editing.
  • Can generate hair mods that have custom meshes and textures.

My Ko-Fi is if you like this software and wish to support me!