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About this mod

Master the Living Force and become the greatest Jedi or Sith the forgotten realms have ever known. Will you master saber forms as a Jedi Guardian? or Delve into mysteries of the Force as a Consular? Or study skills, combat, and the force as a Sentinel?

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  • Korean
UPDATE 02/29/2024: QoL change gain 3 powers at level 2. Bugfixes: Shii Cho now gives enemies disadvantage when you are surrounded, feats file updated to use greatswords, shortswords etc, KotOR patch a little less buggy.

UPDATE v1.08: Shortswords, Greatswords, and Rapiers now work for Jedi Defense, et al. Added saber throw bond at level 5 and cleaving throw at level 10.

JEDI ROBES NOW SUPPORTED ---------> Jedi Robes
Load DarthKyber's Jedi Robes Mod after mine and your new jedi starting equipment will automatically be Jedi Robes

Also check out Darth Kyber's Jedi Sword and Kyber Crystals

This mod started as Monk subclass and quickly grew out of hand and became its own class. It does still follow the basic monk framework (up to level 12) including Ki points, unarmored defense, unarmed attacks, etc. This mod is natively compatible with level curve unlockers and has progressions all the way to 20 but does not require a level unlocker. 

Attribute bonuses: I am a huge fan of attribute bonuses so I added passive attribute gains, however, these are all toggleable so you can turn them off if you want. Guardians gain strength, Sentinels gain dexterity, Consulars gain wisdom, and all subclasses gain charisma. The bonus starts at 1 at the 3rd level and increases whenever you choose a light/dark passive or prestige class passive.

Class Features:
Ki points: get 4 Ki points at level 1 and 1 additional Ki every level
Unarmored Defense Jedi: When not wearing armor or using a shield, increase your AC by half of your wisdom modifier, rounded down.
Elegant Weapon: Proficiency with longswords and Longswords count as "monk weapons" (BG3 counts any weapon you have proficiency with, so all that is really here is Longsword proficiency at level 1)
Extra Attack: gain the extra attack feature at level 5
Jedi Defense: While wielding a Longsword increase your AC by 1, cannot be wearing armor or using a shield to gain this benefit.
Force Powers: Cast force powers using Ki points. Gain Force Push, Force Pull and Command at level 1, learn an additional power every even level thereafter.
Follow the Light or fall to Darkness: Choose a light side or dark side passive at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15
Light/Dark Passives:
  • Level 3: Peace: gain expertise in Persuasion. or Passion: gain expertise in Intimidation
  • Level 6: Knowledge: gain damage reduction equal to CHA modifier. Strength: increase spell damage by CHA modifier
  • Level 9: Serenity: gain CHA modifier bonus to all saving throws. Power: increase spell DC by CHA modifier
  • Level 12: Harmony: Cast Preserve Life once per short rest. Victory: Cast Mass Crush once per short rest
  • Level 15: The Force: when you take damage, gain Temp HP and hp regen until the end of your next turn. Broken Chains: regain Ki points the first time you kill a creature each turn.
Subclass: Choose a subclass at level 3

Guardian Subclass:
The Guardian subclass is more focused on melee attacks than using force powers.
Improved Jedi Defense: Increase your Jedi Defense bonus by 1 at level 5, this bonus increases by an additional 1 at levels 11 and 17
Bonus Ki points: the Jedi Guardian gains and additional Ki point at levels 3, 7, 11, 15, and 17
Saber Forms: The Guardian learns all Saber Forms, starting with the Shii Cho form at level 3 and learning an additional form every other level until learning the final form at level 17.
Saber Forms: Toggleable passives, must be wielding a longsword in main hand, can only use one at a time
  • Shii Cho: +AC when surrounded, -AC when alone, can cleave at will.
  • Makashi: +Attack and Damage, +AC when surrounded, enemies have Advantage on ranged attacks, can spend 2 Ki to riposte any time an enemy misses you in melee
  • Soresu: ++AC, additional penalty to enemy ranged attacks against you, you cannot be crit, your crit threshold is reduced by 1 (this will prevent you from scoring critical hits unless you have bonuses to crit threshold)
  • Ataru: -AC, Can spend Ki and Movement to make pounce attacks
  • Shien: Enemies have ranged penalty against you, 1 extra crit die, can spend 2 ki points to riposte whenever an enemy hits you in melee
  • Djem So: Enemies have ranged penalty against you, 2 Extra crit die, attacks gain extra strength mod damage and can push enemies back.
  • Niman: +Attack, +Damage, +AC,
  • Juyo: ---AC, Advantage on melee attacks, +4 to crit threshold, can spend 2 ki to action surge every turn.
Improved Extra Attack: gain the Improved extra attack feature at level 11
Prestige: at level 17 gain a prestige class bonus:
  • Jedi Weapon Master: Gain martial weapon proficiency, can use saber forms with any weapon.
  • Sith Marauder: Spend 4 Ki to go into Force Fury, a rage like state that breaks concentration but does not stop spell casting, gain +1 melee damage for each enemy you kill while infuriated.

Sentinel Subclass:
The Sentinel subclass gains skill proficiency bonuses and more ki than a guardian but less than a Consular
Sneak Attack: the sentinel deals sneak attack damage whenever they advantage (sentinel sneak attack is half of rogue sneak attack at any given level)
Bonus Ki: the sentinel gains a bonus Ki point every odd level
Bonus Force Powers: the sentinel gains a bonus force power at levels 5, 9, 13, and 17
Force Skills: gain the Jack of All Trades passive at level 9 and choose a skill expertise at level 11
Force Camouflage: Learn greater invisibility at level 10
Improved Jedi Defense: increase your Jedi Defense bonus by 1 at level 11

Saber Forms: the Sentinel learns 4 of the 8 saber forms. Shii Cho at level 5, a choice of Makashi or Soresu at level 7, a choice of Makashi, Soresu, Ataru, Shien, or Djem So at level 12, and learn Niman at level 17.
Prestige: at level 17 gain a prestige class bonus:
  • Jedi Watchman: cast detect thoughts at will, gain 60ft of Truesight
  • Sith Assassin: Increase crit threshold by 6 when invisible

Consular Subclass:
Consulars gain lots of Ki and powers but little defense or melee protection
Bonus Ki: gain an additional Ki point every level
Bonus Force Powers: learn 2 additional force powers every odd level
Force Visions: At the fifth level the consular gains the portent passive instead of extra attack
Force Quicken: at level 6 learn force quickening, spend and additional 3 Ki points to cast an action spell as a bonus action, at level 11 learn to quicken bonus action spells to free action
Fang of the Force: at level 9 add your wisdom modifier to damage you deal with force powers
Force Forms: Instead of learning Saber Forms, Consulars learn Force Forms at levels 3, 10, and 15
  • Force Channel: small bonus to force power damage, and small bonus to mental saving throws
  • Force Potency: small increase in force power cost, boost force power damage and cannot roll low on power damage, large AC penalty
  • Force Mastery: increase force power cost, large increase to spell DC, large penalty to mental saving throws
Prestige: at level 17 gain a prestige class bonus:
  • Jedi Master: toggleable passive that cuts movement speed in half, reduce all force power costs
  • Sith Lord: toggleable passive that cuts movement speed in half, add bonus necrotic damage to all force powers

Optional Files:
Feats: A few feats Jedi themed feats I made with no regard for game balance, load after the main file
  • The Negotiator: Gain expertise in Persuasion, Deception, and Performance
  • Legacy of Ajunta Pall: Learn 2 saber forms that you can use in combination with saber or force forms learned through class progression
  • Legacy of Luke Skywalker: Learn Force Channel and Force Potency, you can use them in combination with saber or force forms learned through class progression (You can use these feats to equip the same force or saber form twice which could be highly unpredictable)
  • Rise Lord Vader: Huge constitution penalty, overcome the constitution penalty by wearing heavy armor which now provide bonuses for each piece worn and no longer prevents saber forms or jedi defense from functioning
  • Keepers of the Peace: Gain proficiency in light armor, add half your wisdom modifier to AC while wearing light or medium armor. Monk and Jedi passives now function while wearing light or medium armor
  • Legacy of Bastila Shan: Cast a more powerful version of battle meditation.
  • Legacy of Lord Sidious: once per day, go prone for 1 turn the rise and for the next 10 turns, be unable to move and are treated as paralyzed by melee attacks, but cast lightning bolt 3 times per turn for free
Level 2 Feat: load this file after the main file to gain a feat at level 2
Lightsaber Patch Basic: Integrates Lightsabers mod, gives choice of lightsaber color at character creation.
Lightsaber Patch KotOR: Integrates Lightsabers mod with KotOR rules. All weapon equipment requirements are set to Lightsabers. Gain lightsaber at level 3 with color determined by subclass. (There is a weird issue where the lightsaber "selector" doesn't show up, just select a different subclass and back and it will work.)
Lightsaber compatibility files require the Longsword patch from palmaman33's mod