Adds five additional containers to the game - for arrows, scrolls, potions, weapon coatings, grenades (and a letterbox which was already in the game). Items you pick up will automatically be added to these containers.
Other user's assetsAll the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources
Upload permissionYou are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
Modification permissionYou are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the features so long as you credit me as the original creator
Conversion permissionYou can convert this file to work with other games as long as you credit me as the creator of the file
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Author notes
This author has not provided any additional notes regarding file permissions
File credits
All credits for the texts and icons in the Adventurer Mart Edition go to Balketh
Donation Points system
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Version 1.0.13-st
Add Polish translation (Thanks to Yerbaster)
Version 1.0.12
Add Polish translation (Thanks to Yerbaster)
Remove ModFixer file from this mod and add it as a requirement instead
Remove orange border in NoStoryItem version
Version 1.0.10
Remove Volo as a trader
Add Questmaster Talli, Araj Oblodra, Grat and Glynda Oltower as traders
Update weapon coatings image
Version 1.0.9-st
Fix what patch 2 broke
Version 1.0.9
Added German localization (Thanks to kellykiller0816)
Version 1.0.8
Orthon Explosive and Basilisk Oil are now properly tagged
The letterbox is now marked as a story item (orange frame) (you need to get a new item)
Version 1.0.7
Fix handaxes, javelins and daggers being sorted as grenades
Version 1.0.6
Fix some explosives not being added to the grenade bag & add Volo and Danthelon as traders who will sell the containers
Version 1.0.5
Add missing icons for the controller ui
Version 1.0.4
Replace the images for the potions case and the coatings case
Version 1.0.3
Fix Arron using the containers himself instead of selling them
Version 1.0.2-rw
Fix weight reduction not working for the letterbox
Version 1.0.1-rw
fix weight of alchemy items not being reduced
About There are five additional containers added to the game
Whispering Wylde Quiver - Stores your arrows
Arcane Codex of Ethereal Enscrollemnts - Stores your scrolls
Eclipsian Phialmantle - Stores your potions
Flamewrought Mischiefkin - Stores your grenades/throwables
Nocentia Viperflask - Stores your weapon coatings
Letterbox - Stores your books/letters (was already in the game)
Addons (optional)
Shorter names and descriptions - AutosortContainers_SimpleTexts
Alternative inventory icons - AutosortContainers_SimpleIcons
Adventurer Mart Edition - AutosortContainers_AdventurerMart The lore-friendly alternate icon/text version of this mod. Featuring potentially lore accurate quotes from famed Adventurer Mart owner Ribald Barterman, from Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn. -- All credits for this wonderful addon go to Balketh
Weight Reduction - AutosortContainers_ReducedWeight The weight of items stored in autosort containers is reduced to zero. Norbyte's Baldur's Gate 3 Script Extender is required for this addon to function!
How to get the new containers? You can choose one of the following methods to get the new containers:
If you start a new game, the items get automatically added to your inventory
Buy from one of the following traders (you may need to take a long rest to allow the traders inventory to refresh) - Arron in the druid grove and Grat in the goblin camp - Questmaster Talli in Last Light Inn and Araj Oblodra in Moonrise - Danthelon and Glynda Oltower in Wyrm's Crossing in Act 3