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  1. GraphicFade
    • premium
    • 183 kudos
    Previous Update Notes:

    Update 1.4.0

    • Symbiotic Entity fix for items that benefit from it
    • No longer requires Script Extender - FED is now used for item distribution
    • Removed 'Unique' Tag from items
    • Removed Chinese Localization due to crashes
    • If you aren't already using the version - the UUID for the mod is different - Start a new save before updating.
    • Changes to Guardian's Repulse due to script extender no longer being used. Temp Hp is now 4+3d6.
    Update 1.3.1

    • Fixed Emeraldwood Circlet - AC was only applying for 1 turn.
    • Symbiotic Entity now works with Gloves of Rot and Ruin, Mantle of the Whispering Winds, Emeraldwood Circlet, and Blightwood Embrace
    Update 1.3.0

    • Fixed Guardian's Repulse ability on the Staff of the Ancient Guardian, Now uses the casters WIS modifier and Druid level - Required Script Extender - Thank Aldarana for coming up with a fix!
    • Update for Patch 7, Removed Mod Fixer
    Update 1.2.1

    • Potential Script Extender compatibility fix: All chest containers should now appear in the tutorial chest when using my other equipment mods.
    Update 1.2.0

    • Combined Grove and Growl Acts 1-3 into a singular mod pack
    • All items in the tutorial chest are now in a chest to help reduce clutter, each act will be in a backpack within this chest
    Update 1.2.0

    • Combined Grove and Growl Acts 1-3 into a singular mod pack
    • All items in the tutorial chest are now in a chest to help reduce clutter
    Update 1.1.2

    • Fixed Weaver's Edge not dropping (Script Extender Version)
    Update 1.1.0

    • A lot of grammar fixes
    • Changed icon for Wildwood's Resilience (No longer uses False Life icon)
    • Changed item description for Whispering Umbra (Was using old concept description)
    Update 1.0.1

    • Fixed Staff of the Blossoming Tempest - Was missing weapon enchantment.
  2. Applejaxc
    • premium
    • 7 kudos
    For anyone playing with a mod list full of new magic items, and struggling to get the game to feel balanced, Zerd's RAW has an option to add attunement to BG3. You can match the tabletop limit of 3 items, or follow the Listonomicon example of a 5-item limit, or any more or less you think you need. To save you time unpacking every mod on Nexus so you can add modded items to the attunement list, I have made a file for GraphicFade's mods you can download/use/copy/modify/whatever. There are also files for about 31 other mods :)
  3. DeeplyCrimson
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Quick question about the ring of the Stormspeaker as I'm finding it pretty confusing so I want to make sure I've got it right.

    So far I think:
    It seems to be popping up as another damage proc following the spell that caused it rather than as an additional d6 on the damage log itself. This means its carrying other damage riders such as lightning charges.
    The log seems to show the old damage dice rather than the d6 however it calculates correctly.

    What I'm not sure about is that when I do an AOE spell, I can't tell if it applies to each target or only the first target that was damaged.

    And unrelated question, will items that function with Symbotic entity work with druid mods that add other forms like Circle of Stars, or these are different enough that it would need a compatibility patch for each subclass?
    1. GraphicFade
      • premium
      • 183 kudos
      When I tested it initially, I think I wasn't able to add the damage bonus to the actual spell and it had to be a separate damage proc. I'm aware of the combat log not displaying the correct die, unfortunately it's a bug for several things and there isn't really a fix for this other than SE that I know of. I haven't tested with AoE but I know that there are some bugs that occur in the vanilla game with AoE also. I'll post the mods I use for these fixes below.

      As for the Symbiotic Entity, or Wildshape, it can work for other forms (Including modded forms) but only if that form has the proper tag (aka. Wildshape or Symbiotic Entity tag). If I can recall, when I was looking at the Circle of Stars mod they didn't have any of the forms tagged so it wouldn't work for that mod.
    2. DeeplyCrimson
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Okay thanks. Honestly I think being a separate proc is nice to bring cantrips like Ray of Frost into line with Eldritch Blast warlocks and fitting for a late game item, so I don't mind it, I just wanted to be sure that I wasn't insane.
      I'll probably have to play around with a good Ice Storm or two to decide if I still feel that way afterwards.
      Theres a potentially monsterous Ice Dragon Sorcerer forming in my mind which gets to add CHA 3 times *2 and then twin spell but maybe thats just a good time. :P
      Also have to test Phalur Alur with it

      And I think I've seen a couple of other mods that have had to have a little notice saying "the combat log is wrong, the damage adds up correctly" so I wasn't holding that against you.
  4. BigBreezyy
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    All of the enemies from the Oliver and Thaniel questline in act 2 didn't have lootable bodies and so I was unable to get the items normally. I can get them with a tutorial chest spawning mod but I'm just giving you a heads up in case certain mods or patch 7 cause the enemies of this quest to not have bodies.
    1. GraphicFade
      • premium
      • 183 kudos
      Can you give more detail please. What version are you using? (SE or Non-SE). If I can remember, I had to enable loot for Olivers dad and I tested that with the Non-SE version and it worked so I will have to apply that to the SE version also. As for the Shadow Plush, You have to loot it quick before the body disappears. After some testing I was unable to successfully stop the body from disappearing so more than likely I will move the item.
    2. BigBreezyy
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Ah ok. I'm still using a version with SE until I finish this save since I've started it before you updated the mod. I also didn't quickly loot the Shadow Plush as I didn't know I'd have to and am playing honor mode so I couldn't go back but luckily i had that tutorial chest mod ready.
  5. Parvum
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Just want to make sure-- if I'm using the script extender version and don't want to restart, I should NOT update to the latest version until I'm ready to start a new game. Correct?
    1. GraphicFade
      • premium
      • 183 kudos
    2. Parvum
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you very much
  6. laaleeloo
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    i won't be able to add the current new update of this mod to my still patch 6 game, right? 
    1. GraphicFade
      • premium
      • 183 kudos
      I wouldn't recommend it, I used the toolkit to pack the mod so I'm not sure if patch 6 can read it.
    2. laaleeloo
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      i wont try it until i get patch 7 then :') thank u for ur answer o7 
  7. Toleusa
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Hello, I have a question, does this mod change the loot list of the game? I'm trying to figure out where in my load order I should put it , so that it does not conflict with Randomized Equipment Loot.
    1. GraphicFade
      • premium
      • 183 kudos
      There are 3 versions. The main file on nexus uses script extender so it won't conflict with REL. The Optional file on nexus is for REL generator so it will place the items in the REL loot list. and the 3rd version on requires my new mod FED which is compatible with REL Ancient but will conflict with REL Full and Light. More than likely I will change the main file this weekend to the version, but I will keep the REL version for those who want to use that.
  8. Lyvwww
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I started a new save that doesn't use FED and has missed Whispering umbra already. But I added the FED mod in the middle of the game. Can containers in rooms I haven't visited drop other mod items? Like Grove in a bottle in grove's basement?
    1. GraphicFade
      • premium
      • 183 kudos
      Yes, I just tested it and the item still appeared.
    2. Lyvwww
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Thank you
  9. Ilithyn
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Can this be used with Patch 6? I haven't updated yet and won't for a while until more issues are ironed out (and I have time to deal with my current mods) but I really want this mod.
    1. GraphicFade
      • premium
      • 183 kudos
      Under the Old Files, the versions 1.2.1 and 1.2.0 are both patch 6.
    2. Ilithyn
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Ah yes, I see them now. Thank you for the reply.
  10. Lyvwww
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I have the mod installed on the BG3 Ingame mod manager.
    But it seems that mod items that were supposed to drop in the same chest as vanilla items don't appear, while items dropped by enemies or corpses appear normally as expected.
    1. Lyvwww
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      For example, Whispering umbra and Emeraldwood Circlet.
    2. GraphicFade
      • premium
      • 183 kudos
      Some of the items had to be moved due to limitations, so some item drop locations were changed because of this. The new locations are on the page.

      Emeraldwood Circlet should be fine though, but I can test later today.
    3. Lyvwww
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I mean, for example, I got Sparkle Hands, but nothing else in that chest. "Whispering umbra" didn't appear.
    4. Lyvwww
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I also failed to find the "Grove in a Bottle" in the wooden box in the basement, and it seems that all the mod gear that was supposed to come with the vanilla item didn't turn up as expected. I don't have any other mod that modifies chest drops.
    5. Lyvwww
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      After installing the Tutorial Treasure Chest as the original drops mod, items can appear as expected. I guess: unique items can only be found once in treasure chests.
    6. GraphicFade
      • premium
      • 183 kudos
      Ya, so because the items are marked as unique they only spawns once. Meaning if you even open the tutorial chest and see the item without taking it, that is where the item will be, when you resummon the tutorial chest its considered a 'new' tutorial chest so the items that are unique won't respawn there again. I released a mod yesterday to counter-act this by replacing the tutorial chest on the nautiloid if you don't want any items to spawn in the tutorial chest in the beginning. Tutorial Chest - Original Inventory is the mod if you are interested. Honestly iv been going back and forth about removing the unique tag on the items. But if the items aren't marked as unique there is a chance they will drop more than once for some items, this only would occur on the version because some npc share there treasure table, I'm not sure if its possible to only have the item drop once if the NPC share there treasure table and its something iv been meaning to test. What are your thoughts?
    7. Lyvwww
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I recommend "Tutorial Chest - Original Inventory" as the default option.
  11. blobSlimey
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    I have the mod installed on the BG3 Ingame mod manager
    And theres an issue where Olivers Dad didnt drop the chest armour after I defeated them in the oliver fight
    I did fight the mom and dad at the rotten house where you find oliver for the first time, dont know if that caused the armour not to drop...
    I also installed the mod mid-playthorugh when I was in act 2, but this was before encountering oliver or progressing past last light
    1. GraphicFade
      • premium
      • 183 kudos
      It doesn't drop from Oliver's dad if you are using the version, check the description for the changed locations.
    2. blobSlimey
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Oooh ok
      thank you for the clarification
      I did miss out on the items the giant shambler and Crow man cause I killed them before the mod but its honestly not a big loss
  12. toffeegirl54
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    So the description says the REL doesn't require SE but going to the files tab the REL version say script extender required. Can I use this mod without script extender?
    1. GraphicFade
      • premium
      • 183 kudos
      Sorry, I forgot to update the description page. It now requires script extender as a fix for Staff of the Ancient Guardian. The version will rework the staff so it no longer requires script extender if that's something you want to wait for.
    2. toffeegirl54
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      okay alright, thanks for letting me know :)