Compendium - Human Conversion Elf Head B

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Mesh edits to make it less elf and more human. This is a work in progress and is planned to create initially all the human, half-elf and elf heads to have a variant for each race to provide more options for each race, plans have been put in place to expand to tiefling and then on to the other races however these require texture edits or further mesh edits to make them work.


  1. Church0071
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Wow - this is really cool! ^.^ I hope you don't mind me asking but which program are you using to do these edits? I have been using Blender but even importing and exporting one of the heads (without editing anything) creates a distorted mesh in the game. Thank you! =)
    1. AlanaSP
      • premium
      • 138 kudos
      i use blender 2.91 for my edits and 2.79 for exporting. i believe my post with the settings to export and convert are still pinned in the official larian discord under the bg3 modding section, so i recommend heading there for more information on this as i posted all my research into getting it to work.
    2. Church0071
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Awesome! Thank you so much! ^.^
    3. balduran7
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you! can you please modify human head 6 to half elf as well please.