Baldur's Gate 3
Medieval Dark Fantasy

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This user's image description contains 26 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. bits01
    • premium
    • 184 kudos
    Hi there :)
    Well finally we can go and play. Restarted a few times to see what chars I prefer - like you do.
    I like this series: a nice mix of screens. I do not think I will do a lot of screens, but I would like to make a few of my char when the time comes. Is there a quick way to do that with a hidden hud? 
    Also saw a wiki page for modding. Looks menacing to me (which means I'm to lazy to really look at it. Don't know if I will mod the game though - it looks very nice out of the box).
    Greetings and have fun playing! 
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 883 kudos
      Howdy Bits! I am sinking massive time into this wonderful game. My game of the decade so far.

      The default key to hide the GUI/HUD is F10 in the game. Can use it to hide the GUI in the char creator, the cinematics, exploring, dialogue, etc.

      Not using any mods unless you count the camera mod by Frans Bouma (Otis_Inf) which works great. Also a simple reshade preset I have been tweaking.

      I don't plan on modding for the most part. The only mod I want is one to allow full elves to have beards, like the half-elves. Also to use the half-elf body hair option. Not lore friendly but i like my stubble on the males. A mod to change appearance would be nice but I just read today Larian is going to add that later. Modding is simple enough with Vortext but I know you do it manually so that might be more work. I used a couple during EA for fun so vaguely familiar with it. Oh and I suppose if I found an outfit I really liked I might use an outfit mod :)
    2. bits01
      • premium
      • 184 kudos
      Thanks for the info. Found F10 very usefull. And modding was not as hard as it looked :)  Glad to play a new game actually. The first one after Skyrim and F4 I really like playing. Perhaps later on I'll buy the camera mod. Seen a lot of his work on flickr.
    3. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 883 kudos
      Excellent :) He also has a cool new way of doing DOF. Its a bit complicated but stellar results. I am still trying to figure it out - but have seen shots by Amoebae (who I know from a few places since we share interest in a few games) and shots that Otis released.
  2. cormell
    • premium
    • 338 kudos
    I like that stone house, first embedded image. It's coming along. And, all the closeup shots are great.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 883 kudos
      Possibly my favorite shot to date, besides the Owlbear one, is that stone house. Thanks Laird.
  3. serkethetyt
    • premium
    • 450 kudos
    Never tired to see Wulver everywhere! The preset you create is looking fantastic, I really like this more sepia "old" feeling, especially in the dark shots.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 883 kudos
      I also like him around, I may play him in Skyrim later when I take him through BG3. For now focused on my rogue. I also like the old "Somber" look. Trying to get something closer to it with ReShade.
  4. frank213
    • premium
    • 826 kudos
    Oh wow Jon
    The landscape images are absolutely amazing, it seems to have a great atmospheric world, especially the main image is in a class of its own, great work.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 883 kudos
      Thanks Frank! It has some moments of really nice beauty I find!
  5. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,115 kudos
    These are looking fantastic Jonathan :))
    Incredible details :))
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 883 kudos
      Ah thank you veyr much Izzy!
  6. IcewaterKat
    • premium
    • 60 kudos

    That looks really really good.

    It was nice to see the three of them some more.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 883 kudos
      Thank you - I'm about 60% done Act 1 with both my rogue and ranger now. Both are level 4. Hopefully I will pick one soon :)
  7. denzel4444
    • premium
    • 52 kudos
    This game looks amazing, great set man!
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 883 kudos
      Thanks! Doing what I can to show it off to others who might not be aware :)
  8. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 330 kudos
    I never have played this game, but I am captured by your pics.
    You and your style are visible and this makes this set to a part of you.
    Simply wonderful
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 883 kudos
      Thank you Heiki! It was just released on 8/3 so not that long ago. But its been in development for 6 years and I have been waiting sooooo long for it come out. I love it.

      I seem to have a certain style, usually with lots of men lol, whatever game I play
    2. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 330 kudos
      I enjoy your  "lots of men" even it is not your intention to attract a women ... your guys are eyecatchers
    3. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 883 kudos
      Thanks and I don't mind, I share a lot of men as I think they are less common on the image share and we could use more handsome men. I am always happy if anyone likes them regardless of gender or orientation :)
    4. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 330 kudos
      Eyecatchers are eyecatchers ... regardless of everything  
  9. Lycan777
    • member
    • 53 kudos
    This looks really nice
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 883 kudos
      Thank you Lycan!
  10. OldAndMod
    • premium
    • 65 kudos
    Epic... Amazing... I have no words to describe these captures...
    But Skyrim or Baldur's Gate, your style is always the same and it's fantastic!!!
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 883 kudos
      Thank you so much, your comment made my night. Aye I seem to have a certain style as Heiki said lol. That is okay, I am actually happy if people recognize my stuff, even across games.