Dark Souls Category Changes

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Hello Dark Souls fans,

The Dark Souls Nexus sites have gotten a little bit of an overhaul in the category department. For Dark Souls 1 and 2, that means some categories have been removed or merged with others, some new categories have been added, and files have been moved around a bit. So if your file has been altered by Staff (Zaldiir), don't worry - it has simply been moved to a more appropriate category than where it originally was. This is especially true for files in the miscellaneous category, where the vast majority have gotten a new home.

As for Dark Souls 3; this had no categories at all besides the miscellaneous one, but now have the same categories as its predecessors. The site theme has also been updated for DS3, with a fresh new background, and (soon) a more suiting colour scheme.

Should you notice a mistake I made, or you have a category suggestion (or any suggestion for that matter), do not hesitate to contact the NexusMods staff, either through the report button or in a direct PM.

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  1. metalpower
    • member
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    Hi Zaldiir,

    I'm trying to use Nexus software with Dark Souls 3 but i can't ^^'

    When i try to find it, he doesn t find it.
    And when i find it manually as "Dark souls 2 " like you told us to do, when i try to select it in Nexus software, it ask me pathfinding for "virual install" and such.

    Could you help me with this or anyone?
    May be i'm doing this all wrong from the start ^^'

    Take care folks