Fallout 4 1.3 Steam Beta Update Live
Remember, you have to opt-in to receive this beta update.
More info can be found in the patch notes on the Steam Fallout 4 news page:
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A moderator has closed this comment topic for the time beingAnyone had the same issue?
Disabled structures suddenly appeared again.
I deleted the ruins of a house, build my own structure on top and after using the patch 1.3 suddenly both (the old and the new) house are standing in each other.
Can anyone confirm the bug ?
If you did the later, perhaps the new patch restored all objects that have a reference ID that were disabled or marked-for-deletion and overwrote any changes to the actual save file.
The new system is better than "karma", because the story revolves a lot around moral ambiguity rather than simply "good" and "evil".
The new system let's you plan your build from the start better.
Are they referring to STARTING the game?
or are they talking about the ungodly waiting for the next location to load after your walk through a door or change location?
Another fix is to press Q (vats) for a few seconds then cancel it.
I got low specs and I thought that was the reason, as in it just taking time to load the weapons...