Assassin's Creed Valhalla

Hello, I'm Se1y,

Today I'll talk about a Reshade preset,

My Reshade preset, for Assassin's creed Valhalla

First of all, I can say that I'm obsessed with graphisms in videogames and how we can improve it. My reference for this work is the ENB series and all the presets that were made for Skyrim. I went crazy with that. So What did I do ? I've done a Realistic & Natural preset that combines good balance of colors and an lot of desaturation for Assassin's creed Valhalla. Yes, my goal was to erase the fantasy-like look of the game. Too much yellow, too much green and exposition. I've done a prety good job Optimizing the preset so it would not be responsible of an insane drop of FPS. It has good looking greens and the preset works well in all environements. Check it out !


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