Assassin's Creed
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  • Assassins Creed
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  • Assassins Creed Remastered (Community Edition)

    Assassins Creed Remastered (Community Edition)

    Last Update: 29 Oct 2023
    Author: Shazzaam
    Uploader: shazzaam

    After seeing Assassin's Creed Mirage trailer, I wanted to replay old Assassin's Creed Games. I noticed that there are a lot of good mods for Assassin's Creed 1 so I decided to do make a "Remaster" of it using them and also create a launcher to automatize launching of those mods while also fixing some of the issues PC port had.

    • 1.3MB
    • 210
    • --

    Assassins Creed Remastered (Community Edition)

    Last Update: 29 Oct 2023
    Author: shazzaam

    After seeing Assassin's Creed Mirage trailer, I wanted to replay old Assassin's Creed Games. I noticed that there are a lot of good mods for Assassin's Creed 1 so I decided to do make a "Remaster" of it using them and also create a launcher to automatize launching of those mods while also fixing some of the issues PC port had.