- Refine results Found 16 results.
Napoleonic Era expands Age of Empires III and its both expansions with 7 new and 2 reworked civs, over 20 new maps, new natives, a better AI and tons of new unique and shared units, techs, buildings and gameplay features.
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Napoleonic Era expands Age of Empires III and its both expansions with 7 new and 2 reworked civs, over 20 new maps, new natives, a better AI and tons of new unique and shared units, techs, buildings and gameplay features.
Age of Empires 3: Unleashed strives to achieve the most unrestricted experience: build limits lifted up to the skies, population cap extended, game graphics modernized, sounds reworked and many other both gameplay-related and quality of life features await you!
- 17.5MB
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Age of Empires 3: Unleashed strives to achieve the most unrestricted experience: build limits lifted up to the skies, population cap extended, game graphics modernized, sounds reworked and many other both gameplay-related and quality of life features await you!
Unlimited units and improved ground corpses
HEY, In this mod, There are two things :1) He converts the cost in population of all the units in order to lower it to 0, so you can do as much units as you want.2) Thanks to him, corpses now take longer to disappear. Specifically, after his death, a unit disappears after 300 seconds SO 5 minutesMore fun and realistic battl
- 124KB
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Unlimited units and improved ground corpses
HEY, In this mod, There are two things :1) He converts the cost in population of all the units in order to lower it to 0, so you can do as much units as you want.2) Thanks to him, corpses now take longer to disappear. Specifically, after his death, a unit disappears after 300 seconds SO 5 minutesMore fun and realistic battl
This AOE3 mod changes a lot to the base game. The idea came from the improvement mod, but I made changes to make it more fun. I added all kinds of units and options to all civilizations. I even made a program to calculate the prizes of all units based on there stats. Have fun :P
- 24.0MB
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This AOE3 mod changes a lot to the base game. The idea came from the improvement mod, but I made changes to make it more fun. I added all kinds of units and options to all civilizations. I even made a program to calculate the prizes of all units based on there stats. Have fun :P
Build Limits for units and buildings has been removed.
Population costs of all units is now zero. The AI gets a bit sticky with this mod, but its fantastic for multiplayer matches with friends.
- 248KB
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Population costs of all units is now zero. The AI gets a bit sticky with this mod, but its fantastic for multiplayer matches with friends.
AOE III - The Kings Return Beta 1.01
The King's Return is a free fan-based mod for the game Age of Empires 3 and its two official expansions, the War chiefs & The Asian Dynasties. The mod will stick with AOE III timeline but will focus on early timeline of the original game i.e 16th 17th and 18th centuries. The mod will feature 4 totally new civilizations: Mongols (Ti
- 314.2MB
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AOE III - The Kings Return Beta 1.01
The King's Return is a free fan-based mod for the game Age of Empires 3 and its two official expansions, the War chiefs & The Asian Dynasties. The mod will stick with AOE III timeline but will focus on early timeline of the original game i.e 16th 17th and 18th centuries. The mod will feature 4 totally new civilizations: Mongols (Ti
All sources of wood, gold and food that are not infinite have been set to 5000 of that resource. This includes the starting shipment crates.
- 248KB
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All sources of wood, gold and food that are not infinite have been set to 5000 of that resource. This includes the starting shipment crates.
Population costs have been set to 1 for all units. This includes the mini armies trainable at Chinese military buildings.
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Population costs have been set to 1 for all units. This includes the mini armies trainable at Chinese military buildings.
Wars of Liberty Unlimited population
This mod sets the population count of each unit to 0
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Wars of Liberty Unlimited population
This mod sets the population count of each unit to 0
A map with a interesting city.
Extended AOE III AI based on Draugur and SKYTEAM sweat and dreams. all credits to them.great for teaching new players how to play supremacy. can eco, ff or rush. uses counter units, techs and decks. can wall and water as well.
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Extended AOE III AI based on Draugur and SKYTEAM sweat and dreams. all credits to them.great for teaching new players how to play supremacy. can eco, ff or rush. uses counter units, techs and decks. can wall and water as well.
Age of Empires 3 Movie Music Mod
Honestly, just posting this for my personal use when I come back to the game here and there. Didn't feel like keeping these files stored on my PC so ill post it here for safekeeping. If anyone wants to spice up their menu screens, feel free to check it out.
- 43.5MB
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Age of Empires 3 Movie Music Mod
Honestly, just posting this for my personal use when I come back to the game here and there. Didn't feel like keeping these files stored on my PC so ill post it here for safekeeping. If anyone wants to spice up their menu screens, feel free to check it out.
This mod aims at improving every aspect of the incredible game that is Age of Empires 3 and its expansions. From new mechanics to new civilizations, cards, technologies, units, buildings, maps, soundtracks and game modes, the Improvement Mod focuses on replayability and gameplay smoothness and has been in the works since 2009.
- 968.8MB
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This mod aims at improving every aspect of the incredible game that is Age of Empires 3 and its expansions. From new mechanics to new civilizations, cards, technologies, units, buildings, maps, soundtracks and game modes, the Improvement Mod focuses on replayability and gameplay smoothness and has been in the works since 2009.
This mod is inspired from some others to change some "limits" mecanics. Right now, with our new computers, we want more Unit, more build, more cannons.... More ship, and more resources.Ah, this is exactly what this mod do, and the installation is more than simple, can say, EZ.
- 497KB
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This mod is inspired from some others to change some "limits" mecanics. Right now, with our new computers, we want more Unit, more build, more cannons.... More ship, and more resources.Ah, this is exactly what this mod do, and the installation is more than simple, can say, EZ.
a map for aoe3 with alain alain lots of alains!!!!!!!!!!!!!