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Unlocks the developer console, 290+ commands

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Developer Console Unlocker

Unlocks the developer console and provides additional quality of life enhancements related to the use of the console.

Configurable hotkey with BepInEx config. Default key is [F1] to toggle the console.

Many of these, such as "debug" have sub commands that will appear in the suggested command list as you type. There are currently 290 commands at time of writing.

Current command list on version 1.2.3.R:
altar.add ► Add altar effects without any cost..
blight.addCysts ► Spawns [amount] cysts.
build.debugBiome ► Force particular biome.
build.debugMap ► Force particular map.
build.debugDifficulty ► Force particular difficulty.
build.clearDebugs ► Clears current debug biome, map & difficulty.
building.unlock ► Unlocks building in current run.
building.lock ► Removes building from the deck, in current run.
building.testRolls ► Runs debug tests on reputation rewards.
customGame.show ► Shows Custom Game Popup while on World Map.
cycleEffect.list ► Lists all cycle effects with perk flag, even hidden ones.
cycleEffect.add ► Applies cycleEffect. Requires id or display name in current language.
cycleEffect.randomPerks ► Applies [amount] random cornerstones.
topic.show ► Forces topic dialogue regardless of requirements. Requires topic id.
topic.canBeShown ► Check if all requirements for a given topic are met. Requires topic id.
twitch.createPoll ► Creates new twitch poll. Requires active Twitch integration.
twitch.getPollStatus ► Prints detailed status of a poll with given id. Requires active Twitch integration.
twitch.chat ► Simulates incoming chat messages for debug purposes. Requires active Twitch integration.
debug ► Enables NaturalResources and Construction modes. Unlocks full meta.
effect.list ► Lists all effects with perk flag, even hidden ones.
effect.add ► Applies effect. Requires id or display name in current language.
effect.remove ► Removes effect. Requires id or display name in current language.
effect.randomPerks ► Applies [amount] random cornerstones.
effect.allHooked ► Applies all the Hooked Effects in game.
effect.cornerstones ► Adds an extra cornerstone pick.
effect.canBeDrawn ► Checks if an effect can be drawn in current conditions. Requires id or display name in current language.
game.win ► Fills the reputation bar.
game.loose ► Fills the impatience bar.
game.save ► Forces game save.
goals.unlockAll ► Unlocks all deeds and grants their rewards.
good ► Returns good amount.Requires id or console id.
good.add ► Adds good. Requires id or console id.
good.remove ► Removes good. Requires id or console id.
good.addAll ► Adds 777 of all goods.
good.removeAll ► Removes all the goods.
good.normalizeAll ► Removes excessive goods amounts for screenshots or recordings.
good.list ► Lists all goods.
hostility.add ► Changes hostility by [amount]. Scales according to difficulty.
meta.level ► Sets meta-level and grants new rewards.
meta.level ► Returns meta level.
meta.diff ► Sets highest won difficulty by difficulty index.
meta.diffSeal ► Sets highest won seal by seal index.
meta.exp ► Sets current level exp.
meta.distance ► Logs world field and distance from the capital.
meta.addReward ► Applies meta reward.
meta.addAll ► Unlocks the entire meta. During the run also applies all the rewards if [onlyMeta] is false.
meta.addEarly ► Unlocks the early stages of meta progression.
meta.addMiddle ► Unlocks the middle stages of meta progression.
meta.addLate ► Unlocks the late stages of meta progression.

meta.addAllDecorations ► Unlocks all the decorations during run.
meta.isBuildingUnlocked ► Returns if building is unlocked in meta. Requires id.
newcomers.arrive ► Forces current trader arrival.
order.list ► Lists all the orders.
order.canBeDrawn ► Checks if an order can be drawn in current conditions. Requires id.
rec ► Switches recording mode which hides all UI, game pointer, and cursor and restores pad settings.
rec ► Sets recording mode which hides all UI, game pointer, and cursor and restores pad settings.
rec.reset ► Resets camera.
rec.timeLapse.orbit ► Editor usage only. Initiates orbiting time lapse.
rec.timeLapse.orbitArc ► Editor usage only. Initiates orbiting time lapse on arc, with default values set.
rec.timeLapse.orbitArc ► Editor usage only. Initiates orbiting time lapse on arc.
rec.timeLapse.zoom ► Editor usage only. Initiates zooming time lapse with defaul values.
rec.timeLapse.zoom ► Editor usage only. Initiates zooming time lapse.
reputation.add ► Adds reputation.
reputation.addAsResolve ► Adds resolve reputation as gained via high resolve.
reputationPenalty.add ► Adds impatience.
resolve.change ► Changes current global resolve by [amount].
resolve.change ► Changes current race resolve by [amount].
resolveEffect.add ► Adds resolve effect as global. Requires id.
resolveEffect.random ► Adds random resolve effect as global.
resolveEffect.remove ► Removes global resolve effect. Requires id.
resolveEffect.add ► Adds resolve effect to race. Requires resolve effect id and race id.
resolveEffect.remove ► Removes resolve effect from race. Requires resolve effect id and race id.
resolveEffect.list ► Lists all the resolve effects.
save.clearAll ► Clears current profile.
save.clearPrefs ► Removes all player prefs.
save.gameCode ► Returns currently supported game save code.
settings.trees.shadowsReceive ► Switches trees receiving shadows.
music.next ► Plays next track for current season.
ambient.next ► Plays next ambient for current season.
time ► Returns the current game time in seconds.
time.readable ► Returns the current game time in human format.
time.real ► Returns the current unscaled game time in human format.
time.add ► Adds [sec] to the game time.
time.remove ► Removes [sec] from the game time. Can break things.
season ► Returns the current season.
season ► Sets [season] as current.
season.next ► Sets next season as current.
season.quarter ► Returns the current season quarter.
season.quarter ► Sets new quarter.
season.quarter.next ► Sets next quarter.
trader.list ► Lists traders.
trader.arrive ► Forces current trader arrival.
trader.arrive ► Forces trader arrival. Requires id.
trader.leave ► Forces current trader departure.
trader.cityScore ► Returns current progress score.
villager.list ► Lists all villagers.
villager.spawn ► Spawn [amount] villagers. Requires race id.
villager.leave ► Forces [amount] villagers to leave. Requires race id.
villager.kill ► Kills [amount] random villagers.
villager.killByIds ► Kills villagers by their id.
villager.killByProf ► Kills [amount] villagers by their profession. Requires profession id.
villager.fillAll ► Ensures all races have at least one villager.
vperk.list ► Lists all villager perks.
vperk.add ► Adds villager perk to a random villager. Requires villager perk id.
vperk.add ► Adds villager perk to a villager with given id.
vperk.random ► Adds random villager perk to a random villager.
worldMap.addMetaCurrency ► Adds [amount] meta currency. Requires meta currency id.
worldMap.addAllMC ► Adds 777 of all meta currencies.
worldMap.finish ► Finishes current cycle.
worldMap.randomizeEmbark ► Randomizes embark conditions.
worldMap.spawnWorldEvent ► Spawns world event on given field. Requires world field cubic position and model name.
worldMap.lastTownRangeTest ► Checks if give field is in range from the last town. Requires world field cubic position.
worldMap.spawnModifeir ► Spawns world modifier on given field. Requires world field cubic position and model name.
worldMap.setWorldSaveCode ► Sets current world save version making the cycle obsolete.
worldMap.spawnTown ► Spawns town on a given field. Requires world field cubic position.
worldMap.addModifiersRewards ► Adds [amount] rewards for completing negative modifiers and opens cycle effects pick popup.
worldMap.addSealFragments ► Adds [amount] seal fragments.
worldMap.generate ► Sets Debug World Seed in build config and generates new map with it. Set 0 or less to restore random seed.

Installation Instructions

BepInEx is required, and provided with this installation. Simply drag and drop all contents of the zip onto the game directory root folder. Successful installation will result in a folder structure that looks like this.

If you are updating, you simply replace the existing files or replace the DLL in the BepInEx/plugins/ folder.