Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown

Hey there. This article contains string documents, files, which user can read to help translate them into the 12 supported languages.

Languages supported by ACE7:
(sorted in localisation order)

  • A - English
  • B - Traditional Chinese
  • C - French
  • D - German
  • E - Italian
  • F - Japanese
  • G - Korean
  • H - European Spanish
  • I - Latin American Spanish
  • J - Polish
  • K - Brazilian Portugese
  • L - Russian
  • M - Simplified Chinese

The original texts will be in English. I've categorised the translation texts into two folders, Folder #1 and Folder #2. Here's some explanation as to why.
  • Folder #1 will be meant for (in localisation order), B - Traditional Chinese, F - Japanese, G - Korean, M - Simplified Chinese. This is because, for these specific four languages, they DO NOT translate their DLC skin names; instead the DLC skin names stays in English. For example, in English, if it's Razgriz Skin, it's also Razgriz Skin in Chinese (both variants), Japanese and Korean.
  • Folder #2 will be meant for the rest of the languages. Unlike the four languages mentioned above, they translate their DLC skin names. For example, in English if it's Razgriz Skin, it's Skin Razgriz in French.

Inside the folders, you may find .DOCXs and .PDFs of add-ons. The files in Folder #1 won't include any DLC skin names, whilst Folder #2 will include them. The files may already include strings/texts that are already translated by me (by using other aircraft's texts as reference), but if you want to improve or correct them, then I'd prefer that. These folders will be regularly updated with new add-on's text files, when a new add-on comes out, or if there's updates, changes to existing add-on's texts.

Here's a list of add-ons and their translations status. You may refer to it to check which one's fully translated, which one's not.

Send the translated texts either through Nexusmods' Forum Messages or by direct messaging me on Discord: sincerity2103 (preferably the latter, since it's faster and easier to ask for corrections).

Thank you for making this patch more accessible to everyone.

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1 comment

  1. sincerity2103
    • premium
    • 64 kudos
    Note: If you're using Skies Restored, you will notice add-ons that the mod supports (currently, it doesn't support all available add-ons unless you get the patch from UAV-45R add-on modpage) has different descriptions, skin descriptions, etc. This is because Calamitous rewrote every single description for all add-ons to fit Skies Restored's theme.