About this mod
Increases the crafting queue from 4 slots to 12. Scrap everything!
- Permissions and credits
Increases the crafting queue from 4 slots to 12. Scrap everything!
For transparency:
FNS was given permission by Khaine, the original author, to act as a custodian for this mod on Nexus.
Khaine did all of the original work and testing. All credit is rightly his.
Khaine's original work can be found here: 12 Slot Crafting Queue
If you appreciate KhaineGB’s work and you want to show support, use this donate link.
If you have never installed a Mod before, start here: How to add Mods to your 7D2D game
There are three options for installation, pick one.
1. Manual Installation
Extract files from the zip-folder: Use Winrar, 7-Zip, or the native Window’s extraction tool.
Then go inside the main unzipped folder (where you will also see the installation.txt there).
Put all of the folders in to the “Mods” folder
Disable EAC (Easy-Anti-Cheat) from the Game Launcher prior to starting the game.
2. Better 7D2D by FNS, a Wabbajack ModOrganizer2 ModList:
It's a one-touch solution providing you with the best Vanilla Plus Quality of Life modding experience available for 7D2D!
Better 7D2D by FNS
3. ModLauncher: installing modlets manually with ModLauncher (YouTube).
FNS is not support staff for troubleshooting your ModLauncher issues.
Use the YouTube instructional video Sphereii provided first, to see if you can figure it out yourself, prior to asking for assistance at the ModLauncher Discord server.
Notice 1: This mod is only needed on the server side.
Notice 2: This mod has one minor issue when using other HUD/UI mods, and it is that you cannot cancel out the crafting/scrapping of all 12 slots. You can just barely cancel the first slot. Either live with it, turn off your UI/HUD mods, or turn off the 12-slot mod. Both CAT UI and AGF HUD have this issue.
Additional Links from FNS:
- How to create and include your own POIs into 7D2D
- What to look for when critiquing a community made POI
- Basic troubleshooting for mods
- Difficulty Setting Suggestions for New Players Ready for More of a Challenge
- Performance Tuning your Graphic Settings for better FPS
- The Social Contract Between Mod Authors and Players
Shameless plug for FNS's works:
P.S. If you like POI mods, you should try either the: Vanilla Block POIs by FNS or the Better 7D2D ModList POI Pack
Screamers showing up too often? FNS Less Screamers Please
There's also a great mod for the loot goblin in your life: FNS's Loot All the Things
Having trouble getting enough glue and water in your early game? FNS Dirty Glue and Snow-2-H2O
Wish you could convert arrows into bolts, and bolts into arrows? FNS Transmute Arrows to Bolts
Do you hate inventory management of tree seeds, and wish they'd plant themselves? FNS Self-Planting Trees
Having trouble hitting those animals when hunting? FNS Larger Prey Animals
Do ya' wanna ride bikes? FNS Super Rad BMX Vehicle Mods
Need a recipe for vitamins and painkillers? FNS Vitamin and Painkiller Recipe
Sick and tired of receiving crap for Trader Rewards? FNS Make Quest Rewards Great Again
P.P.S. If you like the idea of a one-touch Quality of Life ModList, use this mine with Wabbajack and ModOrganizer2: Better 7D2D by FNS
P.P.P.S. No more P.Ss.
P.P.P.P.S. Okay, I lied. Always remember to Endorse good mods and up-vote Collections. It helps the Authors and Curators know you appreciate their work, and it costs you nothing.
P.P.P.P.P.S. Subscribe to my YouTube channel for more awesome 7D2D goodness: FlufferNutterSandwich