FPS Ammo Icons

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Thought I would work on some fun stuff for a bit and saw that izayo had made a ammo icon set. Looks pretty good!  Then I remembered this ammo that has been out of production for a while and I couldn't resist making a set of ammo icons based on Hornady Zombie Max ammo.  (Yes, this was a real thing... just google it!)

I will probably never post this mod for legal reasons, but if anyone wants it for their private use I would be glad to share it!  :)


  1. Duriel7
    • premium
    • 40 kudos
    Oh dude you're kidding me ! Today I was trying to search for real ammo photos to inspire and make new icons for the game ammunition ! Great minds think alike should I say right ?
    1. fatrap45
      • premium
      • 51 kudos
      We do think a lot alike... I am pretty sure that is dangerous and outlawed in many countries and some cities!!!  :)

      Here is where I got the idea from:

      I was going to use some ammo icons from S.T.A.L.K.E.R.  SOC  but they looked pretty bad.
    2. Duriel7
      • premium
      • 40 kudos
      Oh, I had that idea by Izayo's mmods to be honest. So in fact, I had different ideas, one for 9mm and .45 ACP, another for 12g buckshots and slugs, and another for rifle cartridges like 5.56 and 7.62mm. The .45 and 5.56mm are for Vanilla Firearms Extended, but I had some thoughts about adding Fallout type ammo like Match for example.
    3. fatrap45
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      • 51 kudos
      I just posted another image based on the STALKER ammo box with a 9mm ball round from 7D2D in front of it for easy ammo ID.  I think that it would slip through copyright infringement. That is the tough part unless you design all your ammo boxes yourself...   UGGGHHH!
    4. Duriel7
      • premium
      • 40 kudos
      What I do is usually take the picture on the internet, just to have to shape, and then erase/blur the sensitive parts (brands, pictograms...) and design myself some new names and images to paste on the box, and I add vanilla icons. This I have things that look pretty realistic, and that look like vanilla +, which is enjoyable to me. You may want to try that, I give you a base to think, keeping SSOC as a base, then working around this could give a good result.