Update: Here's the recording of the recent AMA (Ask me anything). Had a great time, thanks everyone! Hope to do it again soon!
Stream: https://soundcloud.com/user-433087746
Download: https://forums.nexusmods.com/ama/nexus_mods_ama_robin_scott.mp3
Recently we introduced Discord as our preferred community chat platform and it really seems to have taken off. We had a few hiccups and no doubt will have a few more, but we’re getting there with around 900-1000 users online at any one time.
We’re currently looking at introducing various bots and roles within our little Discord world to make the moderation and joining a far more easy process - stay tuned.
What I am excited about is that it has introduced an ability to talk direct, live and uncut to our community members! So what I thought was - what better way to take advantage of this than a few AMA’s and who better to start it all off other than Robin himself!?
The way it will work is that there will be a voice channel setup that you will be able to join in order to listen to Robin answering questions, these questions will be posted by you guys into a dedicated #ama-questions text chat channel. Questions will likely be thrown into chat fast and furious, so it will be up to Robin to decide which one’s that he would like to answer.
Dave (SirSalami) and I (BlindJudge) will also be in the channel to moderate and listen. I’m sure we’ll find it just as entertaining as you all.
We have provisionally set the date for Tuesday the 6th September at -
US Times
- 12:00 PDT
- 13:00 MDT
- 14:00 CDT
- 15:00 EDT
UK Time
- 20:00
If you are unfamiliar with what an AMA is, it stands for “Ask Me Anything” and gives you the opportunity to speak direct to someone interesting. It is huge on Reddit and there have been some real classics, such as the AMA with Channing Tatum, Barack Obama and even the guy with two penises (nsfw of course).
If you haven’t already checked out our Discord server, than please come and jump on and sign up. The only details you will need to provide are your Username and Email address, no other information is required.
Comments locked
A moderator has closed this comment topic for the time beingthanks and blessings
The original had some issues so we're going to have to transcribe it again. Sorry about the wait!
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I apologize if this has been asked or addresses, but will premium memberships be recognized after the website transfer?
Thank you,
Well, the "Unban Request" is for appealing after the fact. The prohibition against making a second account is found in the Terms of Service.
It's the second major item under
Account creation, access to the site and termination of your user account: