
Skyrim Mod Sanctuary 37 : Skeletal Horde, Conjurable Chest, Birds, Bugs and Animals

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  1. PopTartZombie
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    • 2 kudos
  2. DeHawk
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    Guys, can you stop figthing and argueing about the Dawnguard? I understand it's a bit rude of Betheseda to only release it earlier on Xbox360, and not Playstation3 Gamers, and PC players. But that doesn't mean you can hate them, the reason they aren't releasing it on other platforms, are because PC can have different grapich/processor other shits, and we can't do anything about that, and on PlayStation3 it got known to that it has some severals bugs, but we can't do anything, betheseda are trying their best to fix everything and stuff, you must give them time, and they never announced that it would never be released to Playstation 3 and PC, you just have to give them sometimes, if you support them than just complaining and dislike whatever they do, then stop playing Skyrim, and you may notice aswell they are spending times on updates and stuff to make it better, the Skyrim got alot of scripts, and took alot of time to work on it, but it will always be update untill the Skyrim is properly fixed, that's the reason theycan't spend much time on thinking about DLC's. I hope you understand, and give Betheseda some respect for their hardwork, and awesomeness.

    PS: PC players - Your mad because it came on Xbox, but there is one thing xbox doesn't have... It's mods for PC, so be happy for something. And Playstation players, I am pretty sure Betheseda will find something good solution for you playstation3 gamers. And if you find something bad/bugs on the game, post on their official website than complaining other places.
  3. SolarxEclipse
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    @Playstationandatarimaster You misinterpreted and though I highly doubt you truly broke the disc here is why: They said "We have not announced Dawnguard for any other platform, nor given a timeline for any such news." As you mentioned yes, however this is simply saying no release date is their is a lot of rumor and speculation that - They have found alot of bugs and are looking too fix them for pc, are looking too expand on the pc version and others I can't think of off the top of my head. As of yet not abandoned and highly doubt we will, In an article by Brendan Sinclair on it talked about how the average Skryim pc player averaged 75 in game hours. and has sold millions of copies world wide for pc. So it would seem unlikely too leave out a whole platform when it comes too these big name industries who of course, are mostly in it for the money. So while this could mean they are not releasing it for pc as it wouldn't make enough or they are fixing it up for pc so that it will make more, is yet too be determined. Either way if you truly broke your disk you wasted a good 60 USD or ( Might be wrong ) 46 Eu
  4. Leinhart2202
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    • 3 kudos
    It comes for pc and ps3
  5. f4tty
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    Even if they don't release Dawngaurd, granted taht sucks, the pc comunity still has its mods and creation kit. Someone could make "dlc" for us. The playstation people are the ones who are abandoned.
  6. i hate bugthesda as of this day.
  7. Dawnguard not comming out on any system exept xbox, just found out, they have no plans of ever releasing it on pc or ps3, im never buying another game from microbethesda. ever again. bethesda has decided to completely abandoned pc, i just broke my skyrim cd in half took it outside and burned it.

    Pete Hines, the VP of PR and Marketing for Bethesda tweeted earlier today that they "have not announced Dawnguard for any other platform, nor given a timeline for any such news.
  8. TiraBlue
    • premium
    • 9 kudos
    thank you again Gopher, a pleasure as always...Take care
  9. TheOutlander
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    @Trollman20: There is no guarantee that it will, in fact it is highly unlikely that it will, especially not before the 1.7 patch is out of beta, and that only just went into beta a couple of days ago. Just because exclusivity is up doesn't mean immediate release.
  10. Rifli
    • premium
    • 3 kudos

    This is completely random, and doesn't quite have anything to do with this video, but clicking play on all of your videos on the home page of the Nexus creates an interesting cacophony of speech, like a room full of you. It's quite entertaining.
