
Farmville meets Skyrim in upcoming Tytanis update

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Ever wondered what it would be like to own a farm? Ever played Farmville and thought to yourself "this would be so much better if it didn't insult my intelligence with cartoony graphics"? Me neither. But that's not the point! Tytanis, of Tytanis - The Ultimate Mod fame is currently working on updating his mod to include a wide spectrum of farming activities and the concept is too cool to not promote here on Skyrim Nexus. For a sneak peak of Tytanis's upcoming update, check out his teaser video.


  1. cromcrom
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Tytanis, will you release your code ? That would be a great learning gift for the humble coders community :-)
  2. beanspan
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Looks nice, but gameplay > all. Some of the best games of all time have 'cartoony' graphics.
  3. kitsuneshoujo
    • member
    • 43 kudos
    Im gonna give this a try when its released. I just hope its not bloated with stuff like the ultimate mod.
  4. Tytanis
    • supporter
    • 215 kudos
    The beam that shows when a plant is ready will have an option to be on or off.

  5. FeatherGrey
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    This sounds pretty awesome, and tyrantis your future plans sound fantastic too!

    And farming is one of those things that can be very hard work and very fun/rewarding at the same time. However if you are unlucky enough to be born WITH a sense of smell (I just happened to be born without that sense), it may not be so pleasant. Good thing skyrim doesn't come with smells for all you smelling folk
  6. rdr99
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    I wonder if rabbits will be the bane of the farming mod, or if killing a dragon in the garden will result in more or less yield vis a vi fertilizer vs damage from bones and tromping around before it is dispatched... to say nothing of the flames or frost damage. A wagon full of dragon poo may or may not be the best thing for your crops. Gives a whole new meaning to "organic gardening"! Do trolls like carrots? Will you plow? How many horses should you have? This might make Gwendolyn a suitable spouse. I'll have to give her a little "makeover" to make her more attractive and amenable. Roadside stand anyone? How many acres will make you competitive with the "big boys" of the farming co-ops of Skyrim?
  7. Nadimos
    • member
    • 27 kudos
    cool, instant love. gonna look forward to some immersive mods! although it is kinda strange when we can farm in the real world aswell. which reminds me i could use more fresh herbs in the kitchen. ^^
  8. jonasl2004
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I like it! Looks great so far! this can add a new detail and level of imersion that could be really cool. I would like to see something like this get added to some of the houses you can purchase. maybe a purchasable farmstead would be cool! Or add this to the Dovahkiin Retreat mod!

    But either way, this looks cool and can't wait to see the "completed" version!
  9. Jupitus
    • supporter
    • 89 kudos
    This looks like how I spent most of my time in Sims3, now if we could just grow money trees.
  10. BosmerSpock
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Imagine if this is compatible with a marijuana mod... Dovahkiin will be wearing tie-died armor and driving a VW bus...