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About this mod

Standalone patches for compatibility between Requiem, Tera Armors, and Undergarments for All. Can be used for any pair of the listed mods, or all at once.

Permissions and credits
TeraArmors Requiem 2.0 Leveled Lists have been updated to include a chance to spawn full sets of mid-to-high level armors in various treasure chests, up to Glass and Ebony equivalent (vampire boss chests) and enchanted robes (Hagraven chests).

These are standalone compatibility patches for the following mods:
Requiem - The Roleplaying Overhaul
TERA Armors Collection for Skyrim
Undergarments for All

Use only the ones you need for the required mods.
All patches can be used together, in any order.
The only requirement is to load them after the mods listed under requirements.
Installing or updating during a playthrough should be safe.

Includes separate patches for Requiem 1.9.4 and Requiem 2.0.

Patches currently included:

1. TeraArmors Requiem Leveled Lists

Requirements: TERAArmors.esm, Requiem.esp

Requiem 1.9.4:
Only adds lower-level Tera Armors as equipment variants to Bandits.

Requiem 2.0:
Currently, the patch adds Tera Armors of the appropriate tier as equipment to some of Requiem enemies, blacksmiths, and generic loot using leveled lists provided by Tera Armors as base.
It also reduces the price of many lower-level Tera Armors to be more in line with other armors, and slightly changes the stats for some of them.
Invisible Helmets are not included in the leveled lists, and their Crafting is removed to reduce menu clutter, as Requiem doesn't rely on matching armor sets.
(If you do want to craft them, you can use the console to add "CraftTeraHelmetInvisible" perk to yourself, which will enable their crafting again).

NOTE! If you're adding this patch or updating to patch v1.04 from a previous version, you need to run the Reqtificator.

Native TeraArmors Leveled Lists file is not required.
Does not disrupt Requiem game balance.

2. Undergarments for All - Requiem Patch

Requirements: Requiem.esp, UndergarmentsForAll.esp

Distributes undergarments provided by UFA to outfits edited or added by Requiem.
Sets Requiem-added armors to hide equipped undergarments, preventing clipping.

3. Undergarments for All - TeraArmors Patch

Requirements: TERAArmors.esm, UndergarmentsForAll.esp

Sets Tera Armors to hide equipped undergarments, preventing clipping.

Also check out my tweaks for Requiem: Requiem Merciful Tweaks