

  1. jet4571
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    • 449 kudos
    There may be some issues with the particle effect doubling itself in another location like on the players head in Skyrim or off to the side in SE in third person view... Just change views to fix it.

    I will see about fixing that and add more distribution options.

    The bow is indeed lore friendly since Dawnguard was released. The vanilla crossbow is a compound bow. The cams on the crossbow I did replace the tiny ones Bethesda added and I restrung it so it is correctly strung. Bethesda had a cable going from limb to limb and the main one did a loop around the cams instead of connecting to the limbs.
  2. deleted7372167
    • account closed
    • 1 kudos
    Fantastic mod, your models are A LOT better than the ridiculously oversized padels and clubs you get in the Vanilla game. I'm not a fan of the glowing pommel however, is there a way to get rid of it?
  3. Leadpipejustice
    • premium
    • 57 kudos
    100x better than the original bethesda paddles.

    1. jet4571
      • premium
      • 449 kudos
      Well it's obvious that Bethesda was looking at other games and media for inspiration or atleast what the fantasy market was doing and I think they looked at WoW when it comes to weapons. Wow has exaggerated oversized weapons that would be completely useless in real life and Oblivion had fantasy styled weapons that wouldn't be useless but you mix the two and you get something like Skyrims. Their artwork is great, I like many of it... just not in a game like Skyrim because they do not fit. Take the Silver Sword as example I just made a side by side and overlaid comparison images and uploaded them to the image section(last page). You can see Bethesda's design is more hefty, thick and has a much larger appearance. Also a little more cartoonish like the WoW games art style. While I made mine to look like real world useable swords. They did a good job making them just maybe the art style doesn't fit the game.
    2. Leadpipejustice
      • premium
      • 57 kudos
      Haha! Those vanilla silver swords are just sad to look at. I am very thankful that you make swords that actually look like swords. WoW's "cartoony artstyle" always seemed like a cover up for their dated graphics. I've never been much of a fan. I also know many who were on WoW since 2006 so outdated graphics are a given. If you ask me, realism mixed with fantasy is the way to go!

    3. jet4571
      • premium
      • 449 kudos
      They are the better of Bethesda's sword models though, the blade has a distal taper ffs. My only issue with it is the blade thickness in general. Width and length are perfect even though the fuller is a black line on the texture to fool fools unlike what a fuller is meant to do? No? bad me. Anywho basic blade geometry except thickness is good. The handle should be oval or rounded rectangle instead or round(incredibly important but little thought of, the reason for ovals or rounded rectangle for sword handles is so you know of the edge alignment automatically. A round handle the blade edge could be 90 degrees off so you strike with the flat of the blade and your hand wouldn't know, perfectly fine for a mace or club where there's 360 degrees of damage dealing... not so good when you have a razor blade with 0 degrees for maximum damage.) The length of the handle is fine, bastard sword or otherwise known as hand and a half length. But the thickness of the crossguard was a bit too much. Over any other sword the Silver is the better one.
    4. jet4571
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      • 449 kudos
      To be honest my first thought to that weapon was "looks like the hollow plastic He-Man swords sold at Toys-R-Us when I was a kid".

      them plastic toys can and will cause a bruise or 300.. if your kid can't handle that then your kid is a whimp and you need to stop coddling him/her. If you cant handle that... again stop coddling the lil s#*! and let it get some bumps/bruises/scrapes, let it bleed and learn. That kid will be a better adult if you stop coddling it, let it learn through some self inflicted pain.
    5. Leadpipejustice
      • premium
      • 57 kudos
      Not everyone gets to be awesome in this world Bro. At least I know we are! Lots of toys r us design on the nexus and so called fantasy rpgs. Must have them running development at all these game studios! A shame really since so many devs have no style or understanding of how real weapons work.

      I'm no expert either. When you mention "hand and a half" as a bastard sword or "ovals". It is those small details that make your stuff top notch. Many don't even bother and we get stuck with some halloween costumes. XD
    6. jet4571
      • premium
      • 449 kudos
      I always believe the 3d artist should always do a little research into the items they will be making even if it is going to be pure fantasy. This is a good idea for even making movie and TV props. The weapons in this game look like the artist knew the basic shape of what a sword should have and didn't do any actual research on the finer details they need to have to actually look good. The silver sword has the basic shape even if the fuller isn't actually modeled but that's to save poly count which was more important when they made the game than it is now. If the modeler actually did research they would implement the finer details and it would've looked fantastic. Instead you have a childrens understanding of what a sword should look like end product.

      Research could be going to Barnes and Noble and grabbing a book of historical swords with many pictures. Or visit a museum in Europe that showcases arms and armor. Or watch YouTube as there are many people there that explain historical swords.
  4. terrorofskyrim
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    It's kinda sad that this is one of the few mods that add weapons in the right proportioned size of what normal melee weapns are supposed to look like. Not those clunky "paddle" sized metal bars you see in the vanilla game.
    1. jet4571
      • premium
      • 449 kudos
      More sad is so many people have no clue on what a real weapons proportions are and why they were that way instead of huge and fat. A common woodcutters axe though thicker and heavier will do far less damage than a Dane axe, as for swords well what's more dangerous, a butter knife or a razor blade? Big thick swords are like giant butter knives, a real world sword is like a giant razor blade. A real quality longsword(2 hander) should feel far lighter than a baseball bat and even more than far more agile, all the weight should feel like it is in your hand instead of at the tip. That allows you to change the direction as easily as rotating your hands and just as quickly. Try using a bat for pretend sword moves then try the same with a thin wood slat for making garden trellis or plaster walls. Bat is slow and unwieldy while the slat is fast and agile. Able to get 2 hits with the slat while the bat is reacting to the first speed. That's why swords were thin and agile. Razor blade and agile. Skyrims weapons... Baseball bat with butter knife edges.

      Sadly mine are still off on proportions but that's purely a game limitation, the swords for example should be even thinner than I made them. But Bethesda uses standard units in 3DS Max and small scale. If I were to get any thinner any part of the of the blade near the tip will be pushing .01 units. At that scale you may as well have a completely flat plane because that's the vertice weld threshold.
  5. SETVI
    • member
    • 119 kudos
    Hi! Nice mod! Did you've planned to make new sets for the Orcish/Nord Hero/Elven/Nordic weapons?
    Edit: Thank you!
    1. jet4571
      • premium
      • 449 kudos
      Just made an elvish blade.
  6. Skybroom
    • supporter
    • 78 kudos
    Look gorgeous. Why don't you set them as a replacer for some of unique (enchanted) dwarven weapon, so that I could occasionally encounter them in game?
  7. Billy34
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    The meshes are good, but some of the textures look like they were legit painted on.
    1. jet4571
      • premium
      • 449 kudos
      Bethesda's textures.
  8. tdmrebel
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    could u do an armour set or recommend a set that would go well with this please
  9. natomiraflores
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    J‘adore le pommeau sur les armes.
  10. natomiraflores
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    Vraiment super.
  11. ElderScrollsWanderer
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    The Dwemer ruin(s) in your that by any chance Rkung-Zel?
    1. jet4571
      • premium
      • 449 kudos
      No just the interior ones.