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Lazy Dreamer

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  1. KnightBBpig
    • member
    • 0 kudos
  2. Youngerhampster
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I honestly think the call dragon shouts should work like dragon aspect, meaning the recharge is tiny, but can only be used once a day.
  3. KanesGhost
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Hello LazyDreamer, I love your Mod, thank you ...I am trying to track down the source of a new and unexpected addition to my game though, a thin voice shouting "Dovahkin" every time my Dovah kills a Dragon, I just can't think which Mod it would be that has added this, is it this Mod? I can't find any mention in the description and so assuming not, but just checking all the Mods I am using.

    EDIT: My apologies, I found the Mod responsible.
  4. zentor
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    v1.3 Changes:
    - Storm Call no longer hurts your followers and teammates.

    How did you do this in CK? I tried to check your edits, but I didn't really understand what made storm call not hurt followers?
  5. noobthenpro
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Finally a shout mod that doesn't ridiculously overpower the shouts.

    Thanks for this mod!
  6. ThyHarrowing
    • premium
    • 21 kudos
    I'm very glad I came across this mod. I read the full description (I really appreciate when mod authors give every single detail like you did) and it seems like a very well thought out mod. It is a wonder that it doesn't have more endorsements but I guess that is because it is fairly new. I will try it out and test it with SkyRe (which I also use) as SkyRe does change some of the behavior of shouting. I am not expecting any issues though. SkyRe adds a branch of perks in the speechcraft tree that enhance the thu'um but these enhancements are done by percentages so I think the perks should just increase the base values introduced by your mod seamlessly. Please correct me if you think that sounds wrong though. It is possible that SkyRe changes some of the shouts values themselves but any such changes are not explicitly listed out anywhere (only alluded to in the description) so I am inclined to use your mod as everything is explicitly listed and I find it to my liking. I suppose loading your mods ESP after SkyRe's should be all that is needed to override any actual shout values SkyRe touches. The only potential issue between your mod and SkyRe is not technically an issue but rather a matter of balance. It may make shouts a bit OP but that is something I will have to look into and, plus, I doubt it'd be too bad because my modded game is already incredibly difficult and also greatly enhanced around high-level gameplay too so high-powered shouts should fit right in. Plus it's the Thu'um. Why shouldn't it be a bit OP, right? Anyway,s Bravo and thank you for this mod!

    I do have a request, however, and I hope it is not too imposing. If you have experience with sound file editing would you consider making an optional download to accompany this mod that alters the "Throw Voice" shout to use a distraction noise that isn't so absurd. While the initial lines are mildly amusing once or twice they soon become very annoying, in my opinion, but more importantly the 'megaphone-like' quality they have is really unbelievable. Furthermore, it is a bit of an immersion/role-play breaker for players who RP a character that would run around trolling NPCs with arguably juvenile insults. Something more subtle but that still serves the role of distracting the target would be more suitable. I can think of a sound file that already exists which might fit the bill: the chittering noise that Chaurus make, presumably the sound of their mandibles clicking together. I made loud enough I think it would definitely qualify as distracting, perhaps even a bit frightening, but simple not absurd. If I was a bandit or some other person, or even an animal, on guard I would definitely be inclined to check it out. Of course, there are certainly other preexisting sounds in the game that may be even more suitable. This is just an example. If I knew how to accomplish this I would surely do it myself but, alas, I don't. Again, I hope I am not being to imposing by making such a request and I appreciate your mod as it is.

    What do you think?
  7. markz6197
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Thanks for this.. one thing though, may I request a version with Clear Skies shout not modified in any way?.. I really like the way you balanced the shouts. but I'm just not fond of loose scripts on my Data folder..
    If you could do that one thing for me, I'll surely endorse you mod.. But if you won't, it's alright for me too..
    I'll just track this for now, and thanks again..
  8. SkylerModder
    • member
    • 39 kudos
    Just as a suggestion, if you're going to change the Drain Vitality shout to absorb stats instead of damage them, you should probably also change the shout's name to Absorb Vitality to match it. It's an aspect of the Elder Scrolls games that a clear distinction is made between spells that drain or damage a stat and between those that absorb it. More information on the matter can be found on the following page:
    1. U1849KA
      • member
      • 19 kudos
      The Vampiric spell that absorbs health is called Vampiric Drain...

      As is the Vampire Lord's life absorb spell, Drain Life:

      The Drainheart/spell/etc. weapons absorb their listed attribute, rather than just damaging it:

      "In Skyrim, there appears to be no distinction between " Drain Health " and " Absorb Health. " Ravage Health replaces the " Drain Health " effect from previous games."

      " Drain " is their word for absorb in Skyrim, in most cases, which is why I've always found it odd that Drain Vitality doesn't absorb.
  9. jaideep
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    Thanks for this, as the previous mod, the modder has stopped supporting it. Also i like the values you gave and feels balanced. TY
  10. QuicksilverDE
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Thank you for this mod! It should have more attention, because I think it's really balanced and not so overly overpowered like other mods. Thumbs up and endorsed!