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About this mod

2 first quests (WIP) for my Dwemer Odysei Adventure quest-new dwemer ruins, new adventures. For now only Polish version (hope soon will come English translation).

Permissions and credits
first of all I apologize for my poor English,I hope you will understand me.
I've decided to post WIP,beta version of my first quest mod-Dwemer Odysei,because I need your help.
I'm totally new in modding,especially in scripting. I've mixed knowledge from a few youtube tutorials about making quests
for Skyrim,but of course sth doesn't work and I don't know where are mistakes.

Could you try my mod, edit in in SCK and see what isn't OK,fix it?Or send me a PW and tell what I should change,add or remove in scripts,conditions,etc.
First quest works fine.
But second- (id DWODwemerLanguage) isn't. Some things, objectives works (I used setstage command to try it) but some not,espiecially:
a)didn't work setting stage from 10 to 20 (and after conversation Tirian didn't take ArkchnadumzNotes from me)
b)at stage 20, when I wait for an hour in Markarth, courier appears and give me note(Wezwanie Tiriana), I read it,etc. but stages and objectives 24,25,30 didnt set
c)I continue conversation with Tirian, but at the end stage 35 didn't set and that's why he didn't give me "Translated Notes-Przet?umaczone notatki z Arkchnadumz"

Could you see it and try to fix it,or tell me what I should do fix it, where I'm wrong?
I hope you will like dungeons and my fist quest;)

To jest mój pierwszy mod, wst?pne questy do Dwemerskiej Odyseji.
Postanowi?em wypu?cic wersj? beta, z niedzia?aj?cym jeszcze poprawnie questem drugim, poniewa? chc? was prosi? o pomoc w jego naprawie.
Jestem nowicjuszem w tworzeniu modów, tym bardziej w jakimkolwiek skryptowaniu. To co uda?o mi si? do tej pory zrobic to szczyt mojego skryptowania. Nie mam poj?cia gdzie s? b??dy w tym drugim, prosze o pomoc w ich poprawieniu:

a)po zako?czeniu pierwszej rozmowy z Tirianem,nie zabiera ode mnie DwemerskichSchematów do przet?umaczeni, nie stage questu nie zmienia si? z 10 na 20
b)kuriera jako? uda?o mi si? zaprogramowa?, pojawia si? np. jak godzink? poczekam w Markarcie, daje notake "Wezwanie Tiriana" i znika, ale nie zmieniaj? si? kolejne etapy i cele (stage 24,25)
c)zaczynam dalsz? rozmow? z Tirianem (powienien by? stage 30), a na zako?czenie powienien wskoczy? stage 35 i wtedy on przekazuje mi "Przet?umaczone notatki z Arkchnadumz"
To nie dzia?a. Dla próby popycha?em stage komendami z konsoli (setstage dwodwemerlanguage i numer stage'a) i cz??? rzeczy dzia?a, ale powinny one dzia?a? w grze bez korzystania z konsoli...;)

Czy mo?ecie mi pomóc w naprawieniu, dopracowaniu skryptów, warunków, nie wiem czego jeszcze aby drugi quest by? na chodzie?
P.S. czy znajdzie sie ch?tny do wydania "zangielszczenia" tych kilkunastu linijek dialogu (i dziennika) tego moda
Mam nadziej?,?e pomys? i pierwsze ruiny,quest sie Wam spodobaj?. Z góry dziekuj? za konstruktywne rady, uwagi. Pozdrawiam

Because I'm just learning you may see that I've used some single rooms (fragment of cave and debate hall) from Skyrim Vanilla Interiors, but I rebuild them a lot. I hope it won't be considered as using other peoples resources.


v 1.1

Hi. Right now I'm creating a "base city"- It's called "Pchli Targ" (eng. "FLEA MARKET.")
and is situated in huge cave near Narzulbur.

I hope it wan't be to heavy for computers, beacuse for now it is one,huge interior
with 7 shack buildings (tawern (restaurant,pub...?) +owner house, inn, alchemist+bookstore,
dwemer stuff merchant,guard barracks, blacksmith)
accesed without any load door.There is a lot of clutters too.

It will sth like "Robin Hodd's city"- for hirelings, adventurers (with "guild", group of Dwemer Maniacs), runaways,etc. which don't like Thalmor, but they're not Stormcloacs neither.

I started to place NPC's in it,and of course the last stage will be making dialogues, quests for them.

Of course if somebody would like to help me with anything, especially NPCs,dialogues and quests,
I will appreciate any kind of help.
I hope I will be able to upload this part of "Dewmer Odyssei" in January.

I've uploaded few screenshots from "building site" . I hope you will like it