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About this mod

Simulate a click on the \"start game\"-Button on the Skyrim Launcher

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This program starts Skyrim, wait for the Launcher and then simulate a mouseclick on the "Start"-Button.

You can change some parameters (parameters are optional, the default-values should fit in the most cases).

SkyrimSkipLauncher.exe <programtostart> <windowclass> <windowtitle> <childnumber><br><br><programtostart><br>Default: "steam://rungameid/72850"<br>This starts Steam-ID 72850 = Skyrim. You can also enter the path to a exe. When you enter "nostart" no program will started.<br><br><windowclass><br>Default: "#32770"<br>Skyrim-Launcher Window-Class Name. Needed for finding the Launcher-Window.<br><br><windowtitle><br>Default: "Skyrim"<br>Skyrim-Launcher Window-Title. Needed for finding the Launcher-Window.<br><br><childnumber><br>Default: "5"<br>The 5th button is the Start-Button (Option would be 4)</childnumber></windowtitle></windowclass></programtostart></childnumber></windowtitle></windowclass></programtostart>