Advanced Mannequins

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I used Qs Mannequins and More, Look Like You Mannequins Mod, and Backshields. It depends what you install first if you install Qs Mannequins and More, Look Like You Mannequins Mod in that order you should get mannequins that look like you and you can place weapons on them and since the BackShields are considered weapons you can put them on the mannequin and they go on the back.

If you go Qs Mannequins and More you should get wooden mannequins. That have poses and can still use the Backshields the mannequins that look like you can not be put in poses.

Note that if you install Qs Mannequins and More, Look Like You Mannequins Mod and get the type of mannequins. I have in the picture they are a bit buggy. The armor sets usually will go on no problem but the weapons sometimes have trouble. So if a weapon does not appear leave the weapon on and take a piece of armor off the mannequin and put it back on and the weapon should show up the back shields will usually show up.

If you have the wooden mannequins with poses and back shields and weapons they may turn invisible sometimes to fix either change their pose or try removing a piece of armor and putting it back.

Larger Images

Mannequins Front

Mannequins Back

Here are the mods

Qs Mannequins and More

Back Shield

Mannequins Look Like YOU - MLLY