Clarity Beckons - End 2

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Suddenly you were thrown to the ground, a huge burst of blackness exploded all around you. The sitting figure of Clarity enveloped in a void. An otherworldly cry escaped the darkness, only barely heard by you. As you regained your footing, the black seemed to focus until forming a vague shape of something on the rock. Twin orange eyes pierced the darkness, burning with rage. The darkness slowly started to form around the shape more until you could make out the silhouette of a dragon. As the dragon formed fully, now a more natural black, the dragon braced itself, opened its jaw and unleashed a deafening roar. For a moment you expected the beast to attack you. But it did not. The darkness was now gone, a black dragon with orange eyes stood in its place. It spoke to you, “Thank you, human, you are unslaad fahdon. Eternal friend. I am no longer Clarity, the human before me. I am Briid once more.” Briid moved her head closer to you, her jaws mere inches away from your chest. “But your part is not done, dovahkiin. The dragons are returning, with the evil one, to burn the world. You must… save us all.” She let forth a low growl that you could feel in your body. “Maybe we will meet again one day, I only hope you will never pursue my soul, as you will the others.” She turned and crawled to the edge of the mountain. With a mighty leap, she launched into the air. As she flew away into the distance, you heard her mighty roar, the roar of the Beautiful Slayer. You watched her fly away, and as her eyes flashed one more time, you saw the face of Clarity in your mind, the small licks of fire whipping within her burning eyes.

Your adventure begins here.

Will you choose to go back to your old life, to your family?


Will you face the dragons as dovahkiin, to save Tamriel from destruction?


This image continues from:
Clarity Beckons - Change


  1. mlee3141
    • premium
    • 195 kudos
    Interesting story.
    • supporter
    • 98 kudos
    Liked the story, liked very much the idea of interactive narration, but I must congratulate you for some fine writing skills. You did some great descriptions: jumping on Solitude's rooftops and the physical approach to the dragon fight are the first examples that come to mind. Bravo, well done.
  3. travisblade
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Thanks Labtech. There is a lot of dragon lore that involves dragons taking human form, I thought it would be fun to include that into Skyrim as well.
  4. BlakkPhoenixx
    • supporter
    • 29 kudos
    Nicely done!
    • member
    • 180 kudos
    This story is excellent and original, reminds me in concept to the dragon's from the dungeons and dragons novelsby weis and hickman whome could disguise themselves as humans.
  6. travisblade
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    This is the end of one main story thread, starting from a previous image "Clarity Beckons". Hope you enjoyed reading this story! Comment on your adventure!