Clarity Beckons - Cornered

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You and the guard captain stand in front of the woman, either side waiting for the other to make the first move, as the room behind you fills with guards coming down the steps. It is clear to her now that she must do something if she hoped to get out of here. The only exists are either up the stairs or the back door, which she would have to past you to get to. You can tell she was getting agitated, but you could not see panic in her eyes, almost as if she did not want to kill any of you and was debated whether she should fight or not. You notice out of the corner of your eye, the captain glance back, seemingly to confirm that he had backup, and then he charged forward, his sword aimed at her chest. She easily parried his strike to the side, and he came at her with his fist instead. As he forced his way into a struggle, it took a moment before the rest of the guards rushed past you to help. Seeing as how there was hardly any room to maneuver, you decide to stay back for now until you are needed. All you can see at this point is a wall of guards, you cannot see the woman. A candle is knocked off of a nearby table and the corner of the room that they are in suddenly becomes darker. And then you hear a scream. The woman was not holding back now. A trail of red blood flew above the guard’s heads, splattering onto the floor at your feet. Streams of blood whipped across the walls and ceiling. You could not tell if they were hers or theirs. Several guards begin to back away, and you catch a glimpse of silver armor, half stained with red. You hear foreign words spoken with such rage you can feel it in your chest. “Su grah dun!”. After she says this, you can only see a blur of silver cut through four guards in almost an instant. Because of all the blood, you cannot tell if the captain was one of them or not. You stood in horror with six other men as the woman slashed the guards to pieces. It almost seemed as if she had lost all humanity, and had become a beast driven to kill in order to survive. And then you noticed. Her armor was covered with red, but there were several wounds on her body that were dripping blood. She was severely injured. After seeing their companions killed right before their eyes, the six other men charge with shouts of fury. They bear down on her as one. In the chaos, you find that you have joined them, and are now face to face with the woman. As you all slam your weapons down on her over and over again, you suddenly hear a cry so foreign, so unworldly, that you hesitate for a split second. In that second, the woman swings powerfully, knocking you all backwards. As you regain your footing, you see the woman, standing in the corner as she holds her head. The other guards also watch in shock as you all see sharp, black horns forming from her skull. Her stained silver armor twists and bends, causing the metal to cut through itself and utter a noise that sends chills down your spine. You hear the snap of the leather straps as the breastplate comes apart, forced open by two twisted shapes that grow from her back. Her gauntlets come apart on her hands and fall to the floor, her chain skirt snaps, sending silver links into the air. She is shielding her face, seemingly holding it in pain. The two black shapes from her back suddenly unfold into a wingspan that scrapes against the wall and ceiling. She then lifts her head, and what you saw next you will never forget as long as you survive this horror. Twin orange suns burn from her skull as she stares straight at you and lets forth a scream from the underworld, her jaw twisted open to bear her ferocious teeth. You cannot act, and as she leaps forward, tearing through the wall of horror stricken guards, all you can think to do is stare at the pool of red she left behind.
You attempt to shake yourself off and you notice that the thing is trailing blood, more blood than it looked as if she could have. The guards that had not been knocked over had now fled in terror up the stairs, screaming about daedra from oblivion. It takes all your will to follow the blood trail. You exit the house into the rain. It is now dark, although when you entered into the house it was only just noon. The sky was furious with wind and lightning, and through the flashes, you could see the woman-thing fleeing through the street tunnels that lead underneath most houses. You run after it, fully aware that you have no backup. You see ahead that it had turned a corner. You are gaining on it. Trying not to slip in the rain and the blood, you turn the same corner to find the thing kneeling by the wall. Seeing your chance, you advance.
“Wait!” it cries.
Not the sound of a demon, but of a woman. You instinctually hesitate. It then looks up at you, and you see the face of the woman from before. You could not see clearly in the fading darkness, but it looked as though tears were streaming down her face. You were both under an overhang of one of the Solitude stores, shielded from the rain. As it looked up at you, you saw nothing but that pleading face. A cry for mercy. She cried that she never wanted to kill anyone, that she wasn’t who they thought she was, and everything had gone wrong, so horribly wrong. Her wings twitched as she sobbed, her hands and knees pressed into the pavement. Her wet tangled hair hung in front of her face and as she cried against the thunder, blood dripping from her mouth in long spit-filled strands. It pleads to you for help.

Do you strike her down, for the horror that she is and the people she has slaughtered?
Clarity Beckons - Death


Do you hold back, granting her mercy?
Clarity Beckons - Mercy

This image continues from:
Clarity Beckons - Help the Guards Part 2

1 comment

  1. travisblade
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    This is one possible decision you can make starting from a previous image "Clarity Beckons" check out the first one, and comment on your adventure!