Clarity Beckons - Hideaway Part 2

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Clarity stops walking and leans up against a wall. You had not spoken for a few moments now, she seemed to sense that you needed time to remember. You looked at her an entirely different way now. There she was, the same woman from so long ago standing right before you now. She hadn’t aged a day.
A dragon in human form. You tell her that you’ve never met a dragon before.
With a smirk, “Don’t worry, human, hin fen grind pogaan dovahhe. You will meet many dragons.”
You ask her how after all these years how she managed to find you. She tells you that your voice is louder than the others, and that it was easy to find you, once she learned what she must do. You ask her what she means by that, that your voice is louder, but she ignores the question.
“You see, this other dovah, Vedinok, who I could not kill, he is still alive, although he has not been seen ever since that day. I sense that he has come out of hiding though, along with the other dragons, rok nivahriin. He is a coward, you see, he strikes when he has the advantage. Kah se Krongrah voth ni faas se viik. The pride of victory, with no fear of defeat. His name, Vedinok, means, “Black Death”, because his victims are tricked into thinking they will win, but they do not. But I will not make that mistake again, I will have nahkriini, my vengeance.”
You ask her why. Why did she fight him in the first place? Why does she need to kill him?She explains to you that her reasons are personal, and not for anyone else to know, especially a human. As she says this, she doesn’t seem to imply that it is dangerous information, just that she is unwilling to share it. You get the sense that her feelings are deep in this matter, and that persisting would be a severe invasion.
A few moments of silence pass. A nearby pool of water sloshes as something moves within it, the lights bouncing off the disturbed water and casting strange reflections across the tunnel walls. An idea hits you then, something you probably should have wondered long ago. You ask what any of this has to do with you, a mere human.
She does not respond right away, only stares at the floor. Finally she looks up at you.
“It is something Vedinok said, as I was deforming into this body. He likes to watch his victims suffer, me included. Lost aaz wah krii. It would have been mercy to kill me. Despite his cowardice, he gave me a chance to face him again, because of our relation. He said that I could break from this body, either by dying, some kind of joke to him, or, by using the soul of a dovah. Also, when I am close to death, I begin to transform, as I almost did that night your father found me. Either way, me becoming whole again means another dragon must die. But, I do not know how to get a dragon soul, at least, I didn’t know.”
Without breaking her gaze, “You see, human, I am not dovahkiin, dragonborn, you are.”
She gives you a moment, and then continues.
“How else would you know the words that I speak? Wuld nah kest, feim zii gron. You know these words.”
You admit that you do, although you are confused as to why only these words you know. She explains to you that words with more power are more easily recognized. She then proceeds to explain that, with some training, you will be able to use those words yourself one day. She says that the dovahkiin is able to absorb the souls of dragons after they slay them, and with your help, she can use the soul of Vedinok to become dovah once more.

Do you choose to accept, to slay the dragon Vedinok?
Clarity Beckons - Help Clarity


Do you decline, fearing the battle to come could be the end of you?
Clarity Beckons - Decline Clarity

This image continues from:
Clarity Beckons - Past


    • supporter
    • 98 kudos
    I just found out that I have a hidden nature, can't stop now. Of course I help.
  2. WoodManGamer
    • supporter
    • 101 kudos
    Well as dangerous as it sounds, I accept!
  3. travisblade
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Sure thing! I didn't really consider going backwards, I assumed most people would change after completing the story. I provided backwards links and also attached names. I've read it backwards and forwards to make sure it all links up correctly. Let me know if there are any problems!
    • supporter
    • 98 kudos
    Hi. I have bookmarked the first image so as to restart the story at the right moment, but you really should provide links. Going into your profile and browsing for the right shot is not very practical. I would add a link for the image that brought someone to this point, should he/she want to re-read or change course, and of course to the next ones once they are posted.
  5. travisblade
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    This is one possible decision you can make starting from a previous image "Clarity Beckons" check out the first one, and comment on your adventure!