Clarity Beckons - Follow Part 3

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Your choice is clear. Every part of your being tells you to take her hand. The thought of refusing never enters your mind. This is destiny, you must follow this woman. You take her hand. As she pulls you up, arrows fly from below, and you find yourself running once more. As you are pulled to the very edge of the building, you realize that you are heading for the city’s wall.

You are going to jump.

A one hundred foot drop. Every instinct you posses tells you to stop. Stop right now. Except for one, one part of you that overrides all other thought tells you to jump. Before you realize that you have even done so, you are both falling. The shock of the fall wipes out all thought. If you could think to say anything, it would be an incoherent mess of words. Despite this, you hear the foreign shout of “ Feim Zii Gron!“ and everything flashes a bright, blinding blue. You watch calmly as you both fall to the ground, but instead of stopping when you collide with the world, you pass through it. You are falling through the ground now and it feels as though your fall is slowing with every fraction of a second. The fact that you had just passed through into the earth never occurred to you to feel strange, in your ethereal blue haze, nothing seemed to worry you. As you fall into what you can only guess is an underground cave, all color seems to flash back to normal. Fully aware now that you are still falling and about to know the bottom of the cave much better, you can only shout, a short and pitiful shout, as you fall to the hay-covered floor beneath you.
Just when you regained color from the strange blueness, everything turns black.

Continue With:
Clarity Beckons - Hideaway

This image continues from:
Clarity Beckons - Follow Part 2


  1. WoodManGamer
    • supporter
    • 101 kudos
    Nice story so far. Onto the next!
  2. travisblade
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    This is one possible decision you can make starting from a previous image "Clarity Beckons" check out the first one, and comment on your adventure!