One less Thalmor

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This screen was taken in the Thalmor Embassy - Dungeon.

Sometimes my Nord mage still feels the hunger to use bruteforce when pushed or when im out of magicka.. ;)


  1. Valorite
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Thank you all for your comments.

    I'm using the Apocalypse Spell Package Mod, which comes with a pretty cool Alteration spell, not really sure how its called, but it immediately activates your best armor Alteration spell when hit in combat, pretty handy in my opinion.

    And you're right about my offhand, i had a frost spell equiped called Reflective ice spell.
    Any spell that hits me gets reflected back when the Reflective ice spell is channeled.

    And @LadyMilla That's so true.

    Let the Thalmor hunt begin (once again).

  2. Garbageday01
    • premium
    • 42 kudos
    Oh hey, I haven't seen a pic from you in a while.

    Yet again one brutal finishing move... it's a bit of a shame for the clipping left hand, the only bad note of the picture.
    Is your character using an Alteration armor spell? She looks kinda glowy. Also, did you have a frost spell equipped on the left hand?

    For the rest, it's always good to go on a Thalmor hunt on a Nord character from time to time; those arrogant Elves really deserve a boot to the head.
  3. LadyMilla
    • Global Moderator
    • 215 kudos
    During my second play-through, I try to be on friendly terms with the Imperials, but as soon as I stumble upon a group of Thalmor agents escorting a Nord prisoner, and hear their condescending warning, their fate is sealed.
  4. Letallyn
    • BANNED
    • 43 kudos
    Kill them aaaaaaall !!!)))