CR ENB-Real Clouds

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  1. Belitchu
    • member
    • 13 kudos
    Nice, I never notice the sky in my game, but your clouds (especially in the 1st pic) are very realistic.
    1. tempest2500
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      Thanks! I was blown away. The entire morning I had been messing with weather/lighting mods I hadn't really touched upon. The CR author recommended the real clouds mod. On top of CR's modified Vivid Clouds/CoT skybox - this adds 3D faux-volumetric clouds that move in real-time as well as new lightning that travels with them. It had been raining when I started this test character. I waited till sunset which created this stunning scene of the real clouds parting for the sun.
    2. Belitchu
      • member
      • 13 kudos
      Ah so those are volumetric clouds, I recently tried something similar on Special Edition, the results were amazing compared to static clouds, though ultimately I had to uninstall because the clouds were paired with a weather or lighting function that was making nights extremely dark. Same author has released his version of the mod for Oldrim, but without the pitch black night effect, if you wanna try it the link is right here:

      Though my guess is since both mods use volumetric clouds you won't see much of a difference, but hey, you never know.
    3. tempest2500
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      Thanks for the suggestion! I'll integrate that into my SSE modlist.