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This user's image description contains 24 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. CyberWolf69
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Amazing shots I was wondering, where could i find his clothes and accessories? And also the graveyard and victorian building architectures? Are they from a mod?
  2. Psijonica
    • supporter
    • 99 kudos
    oh yes, very good set... I guess he is visiting all his... ahem... friends
  3. Amevenastral9
    • supporter
    • 178 kudos
    Absolutely love what you have done with this location.... and theme could not be more fitting... as I viewed I heard the Clap of Thunder and yet there was no sound... as if to say... Bear Witness, for you never will again... I AM a Spectre of your imagination and yet.. am I not Real, of your own creation? Lovely darkness my friend! I may be behind on story lines.. forgive.. it is just the first words to emerge when viewing.... Cheers!
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 330 kudos
      Thank you for your words, my kindred soul ... you understand me completely ...I'm glad, you made a short stop here and I hope, all is well with you ...
  4. IheartRunningman
    • member
    • 219 kudos
    Creepy yet an awesome looking character, the location is superb area for the reaper.
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 330 kudos
      Thank you, my dear This location was really inspirating
  5. Excellentium
    • member
    • 354 kudos
    Plague is coming for a visit, turning life into a colorless world of death and grief!

    Absolutely outstanding set, my dear! The atmosphere is perfect for such a grim tale and using the graveyard from Beyond Reach is a great idea. I can tell you really like this mod, yes?

    As some have already said - and I'll have to agree - one of you best sets so far! I can even smell the reek of corpses, ashes, smoke and sickness through the screen!

    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 330 kudos
      Thank you for your great comment ... when I saw this graveyard, the idea was already born...all in my mind saw it so ... there was such a hopeless feeling about the death of many people ... the grief ... so many dreams destoyed ...

      The whole atmosphere of Beyond Reach is fantastic. I`m still not ready, but this is no problem, because I don´t play, to bring the quest to an end fastly. It is more that I use the mod with it´s story for the cinema in my mind ...

      Do you have discovered all ?
    2. Excellentium
      • member
      • 354 kudos
      I made some shots at the graveyard too when I was there. It's a very atmospheric is the whole of High Rock in Beyond Reach!

      I believe you and me play Skyrim in pretty much the same way. I don't really bother myself with fulfilling quests either, but instead wander off for some screens and a story of my own. Of course, you truly tell stories with your incredible imagination while I mostly try to adapt the texts to my own worldspace and the characters visiting Skyrim from there...

      No, I haven't discovered all of Beyond Reach at all. Infact, I'd say you've caught up with me - although I did a bit of exploring further in The Bog near the Dragonstar mercenaries and their base at the old temple there and I haven't seen shots from that place from you yet. I've done most of the sidequests in the swamp - the necromancer, the troll, the abandoned house with the entity, the werebear and the Dragonstar mercenary camp with the mine - and I've done Grey Belmor and a bit of dragonslaying near Arnima. That's it to be honest! I'm about to head further inside High Rock, but I havent' played my darkelf assassin for some time now, so I bet you're already ahead of me...
    3. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 330 kudos
      When I read where you were, I have to discover a lot ... but, we have time I' m always with other chars in other stories: D
  6. Queenieangel
    • premium
    • 461 kudos
    Die Pest!!
    Du hast immer geile Ideen, muss ich mal so sagen, meine liebe!
    Ein richtig einzigartiges Kunstwerk hast du hier gezaubert. Eine gespenstische Atmosphäre, die man fast spüren kann.
    Und die passende Maske zu finden ist auch eine Kunst für sich, Heike. Aber du kannst das eben.
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 330 kudos
      Dieses Set hat sich einfach so ergeben ... hatte ich in keiner Weise vorher geplant. Ich kam auf diesen Friedhof und die Stimmung war so, wie ich dann das Set gemacht habe. Irgendwie hat in meinem Kopf alles an eine fürchterliche Seuche erinnert. In Arnima rennen die Ratten am hellen Tage über die Strasse, dann die schwarzen Vögel am Himmel, der trostlose Friedhof mit unzähligen Gräbern ...keine Feinde, Skelette, Monster ... diese bleierne Schwere, die der Tod hinterlässt ... und dann fiel mir ein, dass ich irgendwo mal so ein outfit gesehen habe ...
  7. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 315 kudos
    Beautiful and eerie images, BlackMaid! Wonderful set of captures.
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 330 kudos
      Thanks a lot, you make me feel good
  8. PatrickTheDM
    • premium
    • 175 kudos
    Wow, that is a big graveyard. You did right making these in black and white.
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 330 kudos
      This graveyard is in deed very big. When I came there, it was really early in the morning of a foggy and snowy day ... all was quite colorless ... the perfect mood
  9. bernard54
    • member
    • 62 kudos
    Ich bin beeindruckt,Heike!Hier kann man wirklich von Kunst sprechen:man kann die Pest richtig 'fühlen'.Keine Ahnung wie Du solch hohe Qualität in kürzester Zeit auf die Beine stellst.Wie gesagt,hier stimmt alles!!
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 330 kudos
      Mit Deinem Kommentar beeindruckts Du mich Vielen lieben Dank, dass Du so denkst und diese Stimmung so aufnimmst. Manchmal passt auch bei mir alles und so eine "Story" kommt ganz von allein ... wahrscheinlich haben hier die Ratten ( ach nein, Skeever ), die zu Hauf am hellen Tage über die Straßen der nahegelegenen Stadt Arnima laufen, mein Kopfkino in Gang gesetzt...
  10. lidertz
    • supporter
    • 161 kudos
    I think this set will be one of my favourite from you Heike! Amazing images, with a gorgeous setup and theme! Fantastic colours, angles, outfit and weapon... This is trully AWESOME! ^^
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 330 kudos
      Usally I´m more attracted by the dark side and I´m a fan of b/w pics or reduced colors.
      When I visited this cemetery Beyond Reach, it was very inspirating and the idea was born