4k fall forest

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Runs pretty well on a GTX 1070, uses about 5GB of VRAM.  Playing at 4k the FPS outdoors is generally in the 30s in forested areas with lots of grass.

ugridstoload set to 7, tweaked enb + skse settings to get it "rock-solid" stable.

Brief rundown on mods used here:
Weather and lighting: COT V3 + COT weather patch + tweaks + elfx exteriors + (heavily tweaked) project ENB.  ENB itself is latest (305).

Distance: DYNDOLOD (using hybrid trees) + (tweaked) HD detailed terrain.  Used oscape to make the highest-resolution terrain LOD the tool would let me.

Plants: SFO 189 for trees and some plants, (tweaked) tamriel reloaded for grasses

Textures: Many, many, many texture mods - many of them from Skyrim Mod Combiner


  1. gakerty
    • supporter
    • 40 kudos
    Love this one.
  2. Kuschel-Drow
    • supporter
    • 97 kudos
    Nice one!