Jannara Martio - The Camonna lady

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  1. Corfus
    • supporter
    • 288 kudos
    Still the best female character creator on Skyrim
  2. GruffDaddy
    • premium
    • 107 kudos
    Good Lord Farvat, does your talent and creativity have no end? I would love to play a game of Skyrim where all the NPC's were created by you!
  3. darahbiru
    • member
    • 17 kudos
    God, SO... B E A U T I F U L
    Love your work.
  4. 0nelazyBattlemaga
    • premium
    • 247 kudos
    She is quite beautiful. Does not seem to matter what hair style she wears at the moment. I find that unusual, because hair is such a large part of the look of a char.
  5. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 329 kudos
    I like both...the outstanding Lady Jannara and your detailed writing, influenced by Gomorrha.
    I have read something about this theme and you transferred it masterly into the skyrim world.
    The whole is a masterly work of you again...I wonder, if Maeven will join the camonna....?
  6. Excellentium
    • member
    • 354 kudos
    Thank you for another superb background story!

    They are always like little tales on their own and you already know I'm very impressed by how you handle the lore to fit with your own texts...

    Wonderful looking woman too - yes, a true woman!
    1. Farvat
      • premium
      • 301 kudos
      The character is always the link to tell a world, and also to discover new insights and build around. Thanks for your reading and your comments.
  7. PatrickTheDM
    • premium
    • 175 kudos
    I can look at your beautiful ladies all day. I enjoy how deep you go with the backstory and keep all of them intertwined so well with the lore.
    1. Farvat
      • premium
      • 301 kudos
      Thank you for your appreciation my friend, but I would say that the background is the most fun and challenging part to do.
  8. saurusmaximus
    • premium
    • 5 kudos
    Nice to see you back in the saddle again, the Images forum was so empty without you
    1. Farvat
      • premium
      • 301 kudos
      What a great compliment! Thank you so much!
  9. RatherWindy
    • account closed
    • 162 kudos
    Beautifull character creation and the background story is very intruiging. Rminds me o bit of how the original maffia operated (but you as Italian know probably more about it's origins,.. )
    You tell the story nicely. She looks different to me after reading it,..
    1. Farvat
      • premium
      • 301 kudos
      Place the Mafia in the elder scrolls is quite simple since it already exists and is a typical feature of the Dunmer culture, Camonna Tong who has the distinguishing characteristics compared to the guild of thieves, although both criminal organizations play similar activities. If the guild of thieves reflects the imperial culture as cosmopolitan as the camonna like mafia has exclusive ethnic traits and much more deeply rooted, within the social and cultural fabric of a people.
      My idea was to apply the phenomenon of banditry which gave rise to the Mafia in southern Italy, halfway between revolutionary phenomenon or reactionary, and create a new whisker version of camonna, colovian but transplanted in the colovian culture, in a city like Bravil degraded, which in background it's very similar to Naples in many ways. The city is located on a large bay, and its port has a strategic position to support the Drug traffic. The same term Camonna, remember and perhaps inspired by "Camorra" that is, the Neapolitan mafia.
      The Mafia in Italy, in its four forms although it exists a minor Roman one, of which the Sicilian is the best known but today the less powerful, found themselves around a robust connection with religion and with mythical traits around their foundation, covering medieval tales of chivalry and also Masonic.
      The camonna of Bravil, has its strength in abandoning the cult of daedras, to embrace that of Aedras and then eventually legitimate in the eyes of the people and the clergy. The rest is typical of the Mafia, present themselves as benevolent, to the service of the oppressed people, dispenser of justice that should compensate the state judicial deficiencies. So the mafia grows where it finds the right soil. But the mafia is not a pure Italian phenomenon, but a form of development and self-organization of the crime that takes different forms and is spread universally. The Mafia basically puts into practice capitalism liberated by the "spirit", where the entrepreneurial dimension disappears to bring out the purely parasite appearance. The mafia is everywhere, because it spreads its tentacles, acquiring property, real estate, companies invisibly, especially in times of economic crisis where it reveals a powerful force because it has huge hand cash to clean up.
      A part of our economy has the appearance of a healthy fruit outside, but when you cut it and look at its pulp discover that is full of worms and it rotted.
      It seems to me that my description of camonnaof Bravil describes well this mechanism, which also operates in a typical society of Imperial Roman or Medieval Renaissance, however, already quite evolved.
      Thank you for your comment and interest.
  10. MUSIC77
    • member
    • 124 kudos
    Beautiful character creation, and great background story.
    1. Farvat
      • premium
      • 301 kudos
      Thank you dear and so talented friend!