Listen to the Wind

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15th of Sun's Height, 4E 201

"... The true blessings of nature lie in renewal ..."

As I take what may well be my final look at the fading Gildergreen, I can only wonder if I made the right decision. Must this tree be destroyed in order to make room for the new? Must the Eldergleam be harmed in order to preserve it instead? Surely there was a third alternative, one where there's restoration without destruction lurking in its shadows.

Danica and Kynareth may be content with this paradigm, but Julianos has always encouraged us to pursue wisdom when in doubt. For that reason I've decided to dedicate myself to the school of Restoration until I've found the answers. Danica offered me board in the Temple in order to study under her, but I believe it's best to head to Winterhold and be among other scholars. I won't relish the cold one bit, but one's environment can be just as important to the learning process as their books.

Tomorrow, I'll secure my things and take my leave. I believe I'll enjoy seeing how strong the sapling has become when I return.

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