Zareni - Vaermina's Servant

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This user's image description contains 2 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. lesjones
    • premium
    • 158 kudos
    So beautifully written and illustrated, Rick....but by all that's unholy, what a black-hearted piece of work she is! Any sympathy I had for her from your previous introduction has turned me cold now.....

    ....and I LOVE it!

    You have caught me in Zareni's net!

    Powerfully done!
    1. Excellentium
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      • 354 kudos
      Thank you kindly, Les!

      This was the very first chapter and it's a bit scaled down too compared to what I write nowadays - both in text length and with images. at this point I was not sure about if I would continue doing a story about Zareni, but I like it very much myself and decided to go "all in" with the story-telling in chapter two...

      I'm thrilled to hear she has caught your interest, my friend, even if she's not a very likable person! Even the better actually! Anti-heroes need more love!
  2. trg1894
    • premium
    • 101 kudos
    Great stuff.....good story and incredible scenes.......I have often wondered how things would go in the game by killing the priest.......looking forward to what comes next......well done.....
    1. Excellentium
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      • 354 kudos
      Thank you very much, my friend!

      I've been thinking about writing a few Skyrim stories for some time now, so this set gave wind to the sail, so to speak. I have still much to improve, both in writing in English as well as depict the story with more images. I love the learning phase though, so it will not bother me. I'm going to write stories about a bunch of different characters (that's how I play my game nowadays), so next one might not be involving Zareni. She will come back, the next time it's her round in my playlist...

      Thanks a lot for all the nice words and the praise! I really appreciate it!
  3. PatrickTheDM
    • premium
    • 175 kudos
    Wow, really evil Rick! Fantastically written!
    1. Excellentium
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      • 354 kudos
      Superthanks, Patrick!

      Gives me a real boost and I will put up more stories and Zarenis tale is going to be continued. I think I do as you suggested a while ago - play the game and write the story, to see what's happening...
  4. deleted3656968
    • account closed
    • 70 kudos
    Great work! I like it & carry on
    1. Excellentium
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      • 354 kudos
      Thank you so much!

      I will carry on! I hesitated about my poems here in English as well, but got really drawn into it, so I bet the story-telling will end up the same way...
  5. SimClarke
    • premium
    • 165 kudos
    wow, fantastic showcase Rick, probably you put a lot of effort on it! very well done, my friend! main shot has a great angle of view!
    1. Excellentium
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      • 354 kudos
      Thank you kindly, Sim!

      I actually wish I had put more time into the shots, as I said to Andy here below. The natural thing would've been more images to decorate the build up even more, but this was nearly one of my first tries, so I'll keep that lesson learned until next story arrives...

      Super-thrilled that you liked it and I have to admit it was a lot of fun, so there will be more, both with Zareni and with a few others. These are all characters with low levels, no one above 20 at least which makes the possibilities quite grand...
    2. SimClarke
      • premium
      • 165 kudos
      when beautiful words meet awesome captures this is what comes out
      keep trying and don't worry, you can just improve yourself
      there are no Masters and Pupils here, but just's hard to believe but this is absolutely true! don't worry about "lack of words" as well, your English is perfect and it's not simplified (LOL look at me...I use always the same 40/50 terms )
    3. Excellentium
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      • 354 kudos
      Thank you very much for the encouragement, Sim!

      You're absolutely right, we can all only improve ourselves. Wise words...
  6. Pikalchu
    • supporter
    • 276 kudos
    Great work, Rick. Nice to see a set from you.
    1. Excellentium
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      • 354 kudos
      Thank you very much, Andy!

      Yeah, it's not been too many sets from me, eh?

      Still, I feel this would've been better with more shots, but I didn't really have the intension of writing a story at the beginning, so I missed a lot of shots on the way. I'm gonna have a hard time too, depicting stories before writing them, but I guess it's all about sceen shoot away, and then pick the ones needed...

      This was just a start and I'll be doing more stories, hopefully even more shots to accompany them too!
  7. Corfus
    • supporter
    • 288 kudos
    Nice work and very well written, alwaysa bit of decision on this quest whether to be good or bad and take the Skull. I know English is not your first language but its probably better written than my work
    Zareni seems a great character, much darker than first appearance hope to see a bit more of her.

    Very well done

    1. Excellentium
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      • 354 kudos
      Thank you so very much, Corfus!

      I do know I can write, it's just the grammar that bothers me sometimes and my lack of words to use. Therefor my stories here will be very simplified compared to English/American writers. This doesn't really bother me too much though, but I still want to mention it because I feel my stories may pass as "easy reading" and I'm cool with it...

      I also mix characters from my own world setting (not at all Tamriel), which might feel weird for some, but I'm sure people will understand most of it over time...

      Zareni has a dark mind, but she's not entirely evil (nor good for that matter). It's all because of her origin. Demon worshipping is very common at the continent she hails from, so evil as we see it, isn't necessary an evil from where she comes...

      Also, I do have a tendency to write about characters dwelling in some kind of darkness, be it physical or within the mind...

      Thank you very much! She'll be back! Zareni is going to be one of the characters I'll write about...
  8. Farvat
    • premium
    • 301 kudos
    A good story, in which the aspect that stands out is the fact that the role-playing game, you have the chance to play the bad guy. Regarding Vaermina, it is one of those daedras ambiguous, as it is not only the patroness of nightmares, but also of dreams. Her according to Lore is the source of inspiration of artists, and so it is also a kind of muse. But her role is paradoxical, to preserve the psyche from the madness, and even from evil. In the sense that by hosting artists when they sleep in her terrible reign the Quagmire, then allows them to put in a work of art their dreams and nightmares, thus avoiding to realize them in reality. A bit like a rpg where we can play at being the bad guys, meeting our dark side, putting it here in art, but avoiding to make it emerge in reality.
    1. Excellentium
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      • 354 kudos
      Thank you very much, Fabrizio!

      Roleplaying is real game to me. I don't care about building maxed up characters with epic weapons and armors. I play all my character in role, so to speak. Roleplaying is what got me into writing from the very beginning and I've never really understood the fun of just create someone god-like and then bash through a whole game...not when there's a possibility to roleplay at least...

      I use my own world setting as a background story to all my characters "visiting" Skyrim. I leave the names of nations, religions, deities, cultures and so on, out of the texts here at the Nexus, because I think it would be too confusing mixing my lore with Tamriels. This also gives me free hands to create any imaginary background I want, since I only have to be true to my own lore...

      Thank you for the input about Vaermina! I really appreciate it! I try to keep some of the lore realistic when writing in "terms of Skyrim", so it's good to know Vaermina also act as an inspiration to artists...

      Zareni doesn't know this and I like writing from this perspective, new eyes in a new world.

      Truly thank you for your comment and visit!