Immersive Citizens - Party

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  1. Shurah
    • premium
    • 590 kudos
    Thank you for your support and your kind words.
  2. onatoki
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I can't wait for this finally a scriptless mod that covers all the other ai mods I have. SO MUCH IMMERSION idc that ppl say you can't use it I'm most excited about your idea of the merchants management turnover while owner gets supplies or something of the sort.

    If you feel like you're up for it you can get rid of one more mod for players, making this mod even more essential, by making some profit system for the merchants. The merchant mod I use is the dynamic merchants.

    I saw you also had an idea for touring carriages and I think you should save yourself some time and not try and make it. I've used TC and it was really buggy no crashing or anything just sometimes the horse went off course or it was on the path and the carriage wasn't. It just seems like a big headache to figure out those problems.

    I can't wait for this release definitely going to be a must have mod not just for performance but I love immersion it never gets old and I think people will always download it. That one dude had a point in you calling it some kind of overhaul but to me it's close enough to be called immersive citizens and it's still in the works. Any logical npc should know its own strength just like people do irl and ppl will rise to the occasion or run for cover. Even on release it can still be updated I say if you can manage any performance immersive ideas go for it can't waittttt (yes i can but you know what i mean haha^^)
  3. Queenieangel
    • premium
    • 461 kudos
    Fantastic work!!
    1. Shurah
      • premium
      • 590 kudos
      Thank you Queenie. :O
  4. akbaa
    • premium
    • 22 kudos
    It does look very very promising! Keep up the great work - hopefully it can be tested/played soon!
    1. Shurah
      • premium
      • 590 kudos
      Thank you. Yes, it will be available soon.