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  1. ForgottenB
    • member
    • 217 kudos
    Those are some serious temperatures...

    Edit: Buy some extra fans
    1. JetBoom21
      • BANNED
      • 4 kudos
      I already have 4 fans, a cooling system will be something I'll do later.
    2. ForgottenB
      • member
      • 217 kudos
      By AC, you mean air-condition, right?
      If you have over 30c degrees inside the room, I'm not surprised with those temperatures, but if it less than 30c, than the problem could be pc itself.

      Atm I have 16c degress inside the room
      gpu ide load 21-50
      cpu idle load 21-55

      When I have 20-25c degrees inside the room, it is only 5c degrees higher temp each component. Btw I have only 2 fans inside the case.
    3. JetBoom21
      • BANNED
      • 4 kudos
      when I said 90, I meant 90, AC hasn't been working all day and It's already cooling off with the temperature going down because It's night at the moment.

      -edit- also I gotta tell you, this is a gaming rig, having temps like this are normal because gaming pc's take in more power. I know when it'll get to a dangerous point to when it will be harmful to the equipment and I won't get to it, but I like to push my computer to the limit without overclocking. (Just a little memory overclock, though, but that's what gamers do often)

      Is it my computer? it is, but It's not a problem friend.