Chapter Five - Dawn and Dusk

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  1. aok
    • premium
    • 151 kudos
    Ah! At last a moment of needed peace. But can she turn him back? I don't like the idea of her not wearing armor.
    Gorgeous depiction of Azura! Outstanding work dear!
  2. Shutt3r
    • supporter
    • 552 kudos
    Very enchanting, Heaven!! Awesome work.
  3. Queenieangel
    • premium
    • 461 kudos
    Gorgeous, Shel!!
  4. AmadanBezerk
    • supporter
    • 40 kudos
    Like Mother, Like THAT is where Sweet Ambrosia gets those beautiful blue streaks in her loooooong, lovely hair.

    Lady Azura is easily one of the loveliest of the Lady Dieties, giving Meridia, Mara, Nocturnal, and even Dibella some serious competition in the beauty department. ^^

    BUT: why in Oblivion would Azura want to have ANYTHING whatsoever to do with the likes of that JERK Padomay in the first place??
    You'd think that a freaking GODDESS like her would have somewhat better taste in potential mates that THAT pos. ^^

    I hope Ambrosia is prepared for what she must do....

    Many warm thanks, Shelley, and cheers, dear!
  5. Nataly1q2w3e4r5t
    • premium
    • 232 kudos
    Wonderful continuation of Ambrosia tale with great, beautiful and atmospheric shots!
    Ambrosia really needed some good respite after her ordeal and I ma very glad that Azura's realm became such safe heaven for her. The description and illustrations of the ream are very beautiful, this is how I imagine Moonshadow looks like. and Azura herself is gorgeous, acting like patient mother to Ambrosia, giving her advises and once again offering her a choice. also it was lovely explanation about blue color in Ambrosia's hair.
    I so hope that Ambrosia won't have to face the harsh choice of doing good for the world and her love! But she sure did a lot of research in hope to calm her love before it would be too late!
    I would look forward to see the next chapter!
  6. deleted1123719
    • account closed
    • 122 kudos
    This was sorely needed sanctuary for Blue after the horrors of her fathers realm. How different mother and father are! It was delightful to read and see Ambrosia being well and truly looked after for once. Azura, while perhaps not the most loving of mothers, has certainly been gentle to her daughter. I loved the explanation about Brosia's penchant for blue in her hair - nice touch. But I do so hope she won't have to be put in an awful position where she must again choose between doing good by the world or being able to save Stragon. After everything she's been through, that's just too awful to contemplate.

    I will be keen to see the next chapter dearie!
  7. pangallosr
    • member
    • 52 kudos
    this is beautiful work. The music so fitting, it ran out as I was reading, but kept echoing in my mind, even now as I write.
    You did an excellent job making Azura and her realm, you described it elegantly. How could one not find peace here. Perhaps she will no longer harbor ill towards Amaor, that this could only be the next logical place for Ambrosia to go. To see that her life has so much meaning for others and not only to herself.
    Níðhöggr, that is going to be a tough sell. Will he doubt her presence, will he become more enraged at believing that this is some trickery of the Daedra?
    You leave us a parting shot full of mystery and wonder.
  8. Kamikazekossori
    • supporter
    • 252 kudos
    That realm Ambrosia found herself in was certainly very different than that of her father, far from battle, chaos and death, a peaceful garden where life blooms among snow hued stone, a beautiful place. Was very interesting to learn that Azura is the one that can call herself Ambrosia's mother, to learn of that reflection of part of her in the streaks in her hair. So elegant they both looks meeting among those halls. Seems Azura has had a difficult time trying to weave fate in a way that favored Ambrosia with all the hardships she had to face even with the weaver of fates looking out for her. Was touching how she tries to find a way not to harm another she cares for, her kind heart shining brightly. A wonderful chapter, Shelley
  9. Liadys
    • premium
    • 248 kudos
    Awesome work dear, loved every bit of it..and how you depicted Azura's realm of oblivion. Truly beautiful ! Poor Ambrosia...being face with such a decision cannot be easy. I pray she will not be too late !!!
  10. LadyofChaos
    • account closed
    • 318 kudos