Companions For All Time

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These two are inseparable.  I absolutely love this companion that I'm working on, and hope to add even more features in the future.  So far, I have all the follower dialogue worked out, as well as an initial 'who are you' topic and a random song dialogue option that actually works!  Just imagine traveling down the path with her, and then asking her to sing, and she'll sing a song completely at random.
So,if anyone would like to help me brainstorm lyrics to some nature-y forest type songs, I would be so happy.  ;D
Also, if anyone knows how, (or if it is even possible) to add a mount option into the dialogue, please let me know.  This follower is super quick, and I'm pretty sure I can rig a saddle mount skeleton for her, but I have no idea if there is a script or something to get it working.  If you have any ideas, please let me know!!!

Also, this is a video from earlier.  More features have been added since then: