A girl and her Bow

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Once upon a time, there was a girl. She was lovely, carefree and foolish. She loved to go on adventures. She loved to fishing. She loved to go hunting. But then there came a day like no other before it. She walked out her front door, ready for the water, ready for the warmth of the sun. She was dress only in a pair of silk underwear and a tightly bound fur top. Perfect wear for swiming on a hot day. She walked out her front door, skipped over the logs, bounded over the rocks, and soon came a clearing. A clearing filled with wolves. She screamed for help, and the wolves chased her. They would have caught her too, if it wasn't for a group of passing hunters. They saved her, she thanked them, and she then went back home to shake off the fright. Things are different now though, she has changed a great deal. She still loves to fish, she still loves to hunt, she even still loves to swim. Only now she knows, only now she is no longer fish. She understands that all she really needs . . . is her bow.