Bagan Plain Four

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    • member
    • 180 kudos
    I really like this, what it need's is a tropical setting heavily overgrown with this made into a haunted draugher infested skyrim version of ankor wat, Brilliant.
    Or a snow bound remnant akaviri colony which has stayed isolated from the world in a place similar to the forgotten vale were a religious sect of warrior monk's with there own version of the way of the voice but an akaviri version which is more Buddhist like and some uber martial masters whose skill was honed as a method of honing there mind's but whom will train the dragon born if the dragon born performs some very difficult quests which are really tests of worthiness.
    If this is your mod I look forward to it, good luck.
    1. minimonster
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      This is indeed my mod, one of the three new places that I have added. This area is a mini-version of the Bagan plain in Burma. I love me some Buddhist architecture... : )

      I wanted to use tropical vegetation, but have kept the mod pure with only vanilla Skyrim models, although some retexturing by me... Cheers.