Prayers of the Tribune

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When the worship of Talos or Tiber Septim as the Alessian pantheon named him as the ninth divine was outlawed by the White-Gold Concordat many Imperials began praying to a patron deity of their liking. While many chapels upheld prayer for all of the divines there where those who prayed to a god they felt benefited they're needs the most. Blacksmiths particularly turned to Zenithar and in some cases Kynareth. Those who served the Legion where devout followers of Akatosh - He whose sphere and light guided Tiber Septim to unite the lands as one Empire and whose blessings delivered victory and glory to the Imperial Legion on the battlefield. When the Tribune Aera prayed, she always asked for Kynareth to bless her and her brothers and sisters in arms on the battlefield with safe passage and protection from the harshness of the wilderness.

She then prays to Akatosh, for the glory of the Empire and the honor of the Imperial Legion. She ends her prayer with a simple phrase. "Long live the Empire. Long live the Emperor."