Civil War Pt03 - Orders from the Top

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Marcus Avicus, Thane of Solitude, Noble of the Colovian Highlands and Commander in the IV Legion, being summoned by General Tulius and Legate Rikke.

Marcus : "Reporting in, Sir. Might I add, I was in the middle of a soirée with some of the other Thanes and Nobles when you called for me sir..."

Rikke : "That is none of our concern Marcus, the General has other things to worry about."

Marcus : "Of course Rikke, I never said otherwise. Though, I'm just stating I will be needed back there to give a toast for Elisif."

Tulius : "No, Marcus. I have had enough of all this partying around with the nobles, your oath and duty to the Legion binds you first."

Marcus : *sigh*... "Of course, Sir. My orders then?"

Rikke : "Since it seems you can't stay in Solitude without wondering back to the Blue Palace and the other nobles, I'm reassigning you to Rorikstead...."

Marcus : "Rorikstead? That dung heap? Are you kidding? What could the bloody Stormcloaks possibly want with it?"

Rikke : "Let me finish soldier!"

Marcus : "Oh theres more? My apologies, Legate. You were saying?"

Rikke : I'm assigning you and your men on a reconnaissance mission there. Fort Sungard is up the mountain and I want you to spy the horde of bandits nestled there. Watch their movements, habits and weaknesses. If and when you get the chance, capture it."

Marcus : "Ah I see, that would be an excellent victory for me."

Tulius : "Victory for the Legion, soldier."

Marcus : "Oh of course, sir. I will not disappoint."

Suddenly, an imperial soldier came in, and gave a salute to the General and Legate.
Rikke : "Yes soldier, something to report?"

Soldier : "No ma'am, Elisif sent me, she wished to speak with Commander Marcus."

Marcus : "Oh would you look at that! I'm missed already, tell Elisif and the other nobles I will be arriving back shortly. A soldier's work is never done."

Rikke : *sign*

Soldier : "Yes sir." The soldier went out and back to the palace.

Tulius : "Right... I will allow this as your last party today Marcus. You shall head out tomorrow, have I made myself clear?"

Marcus : "Loud and clear, sir! Now if you'll excuse me, I can't leave our fair lady waiting."

Tulius : *sign*... "Right then.... you are dismissed"