Rites of Farewell

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It's time to quit Skyrim. Too many hours of my life, lost while modding and hitting bandits and wolves in the head with Mace of Molag Bal.

Baba Yaba has been a good character, though she had to put up with pretty much. All those stupid skimpy armours. Fighting dragons in high heels. Always with that dreamy sneer on her face. Looking good in 12 fps, in the dense geen grass. Standing perfectly still, waiting for me to line up the perfect angle for yet another screenshot.

I've always imagined her as sharp-tongued. Not evil, but very, very pragmatic.

One last journey through the lands. To the coast outside Solitude, the place she seemed to love. Even more now in the bright summer. I thought about letting her dive into the sea, one last time. Sink to the bottom, sleep in the deep dark sea. But I couldn't do it. I just left her there, in the rising sun. Looking out over the water's edge with her dreamy gaze. Letting the camera rise away from her, ascending until she disappeared in the haze.

I refuse to shed tears over pixel characters. Still, I can't help but wonder what happens to them when the game is uninstalled, the saves deleted...


  1. Ultimateunit34
    • member
    • 20 kudos
    Farewell then. :o
  2. lampan345
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Also, many thanks to all the great modders of this community!