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  1. Monstercookie
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Great work as always! Keep it up!

    The only thing I find kind of weird are the scratches on the inside of the shield, especially the big ones around the handle that look like an axe or a sword hit that part. I mean isn´t that the side of the shield that is protected and the outer side the one that catches all the hits? I really like your style of a bit more worn out and used armor, that was just the first thing that crossed my mind when seeing this picture.

    Anyway, amazing texture. I´m really looking forward to the new version!
    1. CaBaL120
      • premium
      • 3,925 kudos
      internal part is also exposed to damage....a particularry heavy blow makes it hit your own armor,spiked flails and similar (althought not in game) were used to "bypass" frontal protection sometime.
      some more damage and dirt will be added in the outer part for sure, this is not 100% complete, something in the central buckler is a must
    2. Monstercookie
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Haven´t thought about flails How cool would that be to have something like an animated flail? But I get carried away...

      I´m sure you´ll do fine, just as always
    3. CaBaL120
      • premium
      • 3,925 kudos
      would be epic to have working flails, very simple weapons afterall (at least in real life) and so commonly used in ancient and medieval wars everywhere,maybe there's an engine limit or something like, otherwise i'm surprised that no modder tries to make something similar.
    4. Monstercookie
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      • 3 kudos
      I´m no modder at all so if anybody knows better correct me but Miraaks sword has this tentacle animation when hitting something right? So basically it shoul be possible do animate weapon meshes...

      But I guess that goes a bit off topic
    5. KettleWitch
      • premium
      • 249 kudos

      Check out the chain optional effect
    6. CaBaL120
      • premium
      • 3,925 kudos
      dah.... who cares about the topic?
      miraak sword you say.... i should really start to play official dlc one day or another :/
      if something similar is in game... could be actually used as a start
      you know?...i'll ask to a friend if he can help me with the model and see if we can manage something decent about flails, thanks for the precious tip
    7. Monstercookie
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      • 3 kudos
      I´m soo looking forward to christmas not that I want to put you under pressure or something
    8. Monstercookie
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      @KettleWitch: when seeing the video for this mod I just imagine running around Skyrim feeling all Indiana Jones somebody should make a real whip with a matching outfit...
    9. CaBaL120
      • premium
      • 3,925 kudos
      googling i found that Fore did a phenomenal work on these things
      whips could be more difficult...polygons and skeleton stuff i guess.
      well....let's see what happens!
    10. KettleWitch
      • premium
      • 249 kudos
      Havok is probably the only way to go but you can 'Cheat' with weapon animations. I use NiController animations hard coded into the .nif and controlled by a script attached to the player to animate weapons in a few of my mods.

      The longer the chain, the harder it would be (it's the chain your actually animating). A flail along the line of a weponised farming tool with just 2 rings holding both parts of the flail would be a lot easier to actually produce.

      Anyway good luck with it


      I know, it's not like Skyrim is short of a few tombs to rob either
    11. ROFLynn
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I've heard that weapons like flails need to be "spun up", so to speak, to get in any good strong blows. Maybe to simulate this you could add a script that increases weapon damage from relatively low damage to higher damage after every consecutive swing. Or a multiplier that starts at 0.5 and increases with every swing up to maybe 3x.
      Just throwing that idea out there.
  2. JDcrafter
    • member
    • 11 kudos
    They just get better and better with CaBaL!
  3. AcMaiden
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Just Wow! I'm sure the Steel Shield in TES6 won't look better than this!
  4. KettleWitch
    • premium
    • 249 kudos
    You know as someone who tries to play around with this stuff I often find your work rather depressing it's so good mate, excellent stuff

    Can I ask how your getting away without using an evn mask in Skyrim? Can a trick with the specular do the job for you? Does that mean you don't use a cube map either?

    I've seen a few guys use a sort of b/w diffuse and use that as an env mask in the slot in nifskope but I've never come across a workflow that successfully removes them and still gets quality results.

    Interested is all
    1. CaBaL120
      • premium
      • 3,925 kudos
      thanks KW

      well this is simple... vanilla model for this object does not use envmap+envmask, armor and weapons instead use them... now to make things match there are 2 option:
      1 keep the same color and specularity of the other pieces but add cube (env) map- mask into nif file with settings
      2 you do not use env and tweak specularity to be brighter and color map saturation -hue to match game color of other pieces.
      i used the second option to not compromise compatibility... the difficult part is to compensate saturation well.

      actually almost black and white diffuse + envmap work just fine if correctly set, my ebony armor is something like that, is good to "neutralize " with dark grey or black the specular map where the envmask is brighter in this avoid redundant reflections.... at least i did that way and worked well.
      envmap overrides always diffuse color, you actually need a quite bright envMASK and a custom envMAP (vanilla stock env are not very suitable...low res and not well tiled) a pretty saturated and with some contrast env will do the job in case of black and white diffuse.

      this is a very usefull link for env basic creation and use ingame for fallout but skyrim is almost the same:
      very important is the proper tiling of cube sections... something that is not particularry well done in skyrim (current gpu manage decently also wrong tiling) proper tiling of cube gives imo much better results btw, so take a look.
    2. KettleWitch
      • premium
      • 249 kudos
      So nothing to it eh

      Thanks for the reply mate, can only imagine how busy you are so it's well appreciated.

      I've not had much luck creating my own Env maps, by the sound of it because I was using vanilla ones as a base so thanks a million for that link, already absorbed into memory!

      Keep up the awesome work mate, the only complaint I have is you need to stop raising the bar with every mod you release and making the rest of us look bad
    3. frozunswaidon
      • BANNED
      • 235 kudos
      "the only complaint I have is you need to stop raising the bar with every mod you release and making the rest of us look bad "

      I don't know if you are ironic or not but this is how it works in both bussiness world and in modding world. You advertise to achieve the best product in the market and Cabal does that very well.

      Just continue raising the bar cabal. You don't have to stay restricted because of others thinking it is unfair. Me and other modders will learn from you and other sources aswell in time being.
    4. KettleWitch
      • premium
      • 249 kudos
      If your seeing real offence in a compliment with a big smiley face beside it there's not much I can say that won't make things worse mate.

      Hopefully you'll figure it out but if not feel free to scold me by PM, here's not the place.

      Trevligt att träffas
    5. CaBaL120
      • premium
      • 3,925 kudos
      there's no problem mates, was a compliment from KW,thank you both.
  5. bolnazar
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    More vorosets when will retekstura imperial armor
    1. CaBaL120
      • premium
      • 3,925 kudos
      soon also imperial set will be available
    2. Corvinus18
      • premium
      • 76 kudos
      cabal you will realease all imperial set? the ligth, the heavy and the shields or just the heavy?
    3. CaBaL120
      • premium
      • 3,925 kudos
      all the imperial package (heavy light and light studded ) Corvinus .... that's why is taking so damn much :/
    4. Corvinus18
      • premium
      • 76 kudos
      yep i know you allways make it so badass that why i like to wait your work.
    5. GrimInsane
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Take your time. It'll be worth it...from the screens you posted awhile back they already looked amazing (which is unthinkable to me because it is by far the worst Vanilla set...only the Dark Brotherhood comes close).
  6. Lordarion76
    • supporter
    • 124 kudos
    Looks pretty awesome! Fantastic work!!!
    1. CaBaL120
      • premium
      • 3,925 kudos
      thanks a lot
  7. Gwanuneg
    • member
    • 97 kudos
    Your work is always gorgeous thank you!
    1. CaBaL120
      • premium
      • 3,925 kudos
  8. ShionKT
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Looking great.
    but why scratch at the metal where the handle side? When someone hold the shield, they've to hold the handle, and as the shield being hold up, no way sword strikes would be able to scratch that metal surface like that, those scratch look even more deep than the scratch on the metal where would get strike at most of the time.
  9. bolnazar
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    sorry for my english
  10. bolnazar
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    when will the transcripts