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Once I was Thalmor.

Elite inquisitor in Skyrim for the Aldmeri Dominion.

No one ever knew of my presence until the end of their days, even the guards and soldiers that served in my presence were executed to preserve the secret of my location and purpose.

Then, one day... It was all gone.

I found myself laying amongst a pile of bodies in a dark, damp cavern. Their blood was still fresh on my lips. I was a Vampire, and I was very, very hungry.

I never found out who betrayed me, or who turned me into this monster. I will find out one day, and they will both answer for what they did.

Although the latter will at least, get to see my smile first.


  1. Heaventhere
    • premium
    • 276 kudos
    NIce shot , love his look
  2. sythrael
    • member
    • 14 kudos
    Fun background!